Контрольная работа по "Английскому языку"
Автор: 1234yuliya • Сентябрь 18, 2021 • Контрольная работа • 2,262 Слов (10 Страниц) • 397 Просмотры
Задание 1. Соотнесите слово из первой колонки с соответствующей ему транскрипцией во второй и переводом в третьей. Воспользуйтесь словарем при необходимости.
| Words | Transcription | Translation |
1 | a husband | [ˈhʌzbənd] | муж |
2 | a niece | [ni:s] | племянница |
3 | an uncle | [ˈʌŋk(ə)l] | дядя |
4 | a wife | [waɪf] | жена |
5 | a grandfather | [ɡrænd fɑːðə(r)] | дедушка |
6 | relatives | [ˈrelətɪvz] | родственники |
7 | a nephew | [ˈnefjuː] | племянник |
8 | an aunt | [ɑːnt] | тетя |
9 | a cousin | [ˈkʌz(ə)n] | двоюродный брат, двоюродная сестра |
10 | a son | [sʌn] | сын |
11 | single | [ˈsɪŋɡ(ə)l] | холостой |
12 | a daughter | [ˈdɔːtə(r)] | дочь |
13 | a sister | [ˈsɪstə(r)] | сестра |
14 | a grandchild | [ɡrænd tſaɪld] | внук, внучка |
15 | married | [ˈmærɪd] | женатый, замужняя |
16 | a mother | [ˈmʌðə(r)] | мать |
17 | a pensioner | [ˈpenſənə(r)] | пенсионер(ка) |
18 | a brother | [ˈbrʌðə(r)] | брат |
19 | a father | [ˈfɑːðə(r)] | отец |
20 | a mother-in-law | [ˈmʌð.ə(ɹ).ɪnˌlɔː] | свекровь, теща |
21 | a widow | [ˈwɪdəʊ] | вдова |
22 | a grandmother | [ɡrændˈmʌðə(r)] | бабушка |
23 | engaged | [ɪnˈɡeɪdʒd] | помолвленный |
24 | a spouse | [spaʊs] | супруг(а) |
25 | a godfather | [ɡɒd fɑːðə(r)] | крестный |
26 | twins | [twɪnz] | близнецы |
27 | a marriage | [ˈmærɪdʒ] | брак |
28 | a stepmother | [stepˈmʌðə(r)] | мачеха |
29 | a friend | [frend] | друг |
30 | parents | [ˈpeərənts] | родители |
Задание 2. Дополните следующие предложения, используя слова под чертой.
1) My father’s sister is my aunt.
2) I have many relatives: four cousins, three uncles and two nephews.
3) My grandfather died ten years ago. My grandmother is a widow.
4) Our family is large and friendly
5) My godfather Harry is on the wrong side of seventy. He has already many grandchildren.
6) Ken is not married. He is only engaged.
7) My brother’s daughter is my niece.
8) Julia doesn’t go to school. She is only 5 years old.
9) Kate and Teresa were born on the same day. They are twins.
10) My elder brother doesn’t have a family of his own, he is single.
twins; single; family; aunt; niece; relatives; years old; widow; grandchildren; engaged
Задание 3. Выберите правильный вариант ответа:
А) Present Simple
1) I ____________ every day.
a) reading
b) read
c) reads
d) do read
2) Tom ____________ his father very often.
a) helps
b) help
c) helping
d) helpes
3) We __________ tea every morning.