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Контрольная работа по "Английскому языку"

Автор:   •  Июнь 14, 2021  •  Контрольная работа  •  2,282 Слов (10 Страниц)  •  197 Просмотры

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  1. The relevance of our work is explained by the fact that media texts (in particular, advertising texts) are currently one of the most common forms of language existence, and a special place in the world information flow is occupied by media texts in English, which further strengthens its position in the world space. A special role in this flow of information is played by advertising texts that are present in all types of media: both in the already familiar press, on television and on the radio, and in the rapidly developing Internet.

The description of advertising texts and research on this topic is engaged in a large number of sciences, which include psychology, marketing, etc.

  1. The purpose of the study. To investigate the lexical peculiarities of the translation of media texts in the field of advertising in English and Russian, their analysis and comparison.

To achieve this goal, the following tasks were set:

1. Consider media linguistics from a theoretical point of view.

2. Conduct a thorough study of the media text as a category of the main component of this science.

3. Give a general description and classification of advertising texts (one of the types of multimedia text).

4. Identification of problems in the translation of advertising texts.

The study of mass media texts has a long tradition. Such well-known scientists as D. N. Shmelev, V. G. Kostomarov, O. A. Lapteva, Teun van Dyck, Alan Bell, Martin Montgomery, and Norman Feyeclough were engaged in the problems of language functioning in the sphere of mass communication. Various aspects of media texts were studied using the methods of discourse analysis, cognitive linguistics, content analysis, as well as in the framework of such relatively new areas as "critical linguistics" and linguoculturology. The term "media linguistics" began to be widely used by Russian linguists since 2000, while in English-language philology, the term media linguistics appeared a little earlier, in an article by John Corner Documentary television: The scope for media linguistics, published in 1995 in the British edition of Applied Linguistics Across Disciplines. In it, the Corner denotes the subject and tasks of science. Media linguistics is a new scientific discipline that studies the functioning of language in the mass media.

Media text is one of the varieties of the text of the newspaper-journalistic style, which is used in political and ideological public activities and exists both orally and in writing.

Some authors believe, however, that it is necessary to distinguish the informational, and not the newspaper-journalistic style, which is also used on radio and television, on the Internet. This style is also called the style of mass communication.

The term advertising comes from the Latin word "reclamare" - to shout loudly, to notify. The main purpose of advertising, as well as other types of media text, is to transmit information.

Advertising is a complex, multi-faceted, multi-faceted phenomenon that is studied by various scientific fields and is of interest to representatives of different professions. The selection of different directions in her research indicates the development of advertising. Even now, we are talking about the fact that an advertiser is not a specialty, but an indication of the area in which a person carries out his professional activity.

Advertising performs certain functions. Among the main functions of an ad are informative, convincing, inspiring, reminding, attractive (drawing attention to the advertising medium), popularizing (introducing more representatives of the target audience to the product), differentiating (distancing the advertised product in the minds of the target audience from competitive analogues), evaluative (forming a positive attitude to the advertised product in the recipient), argumentative, regulatory (directing the recipient's perception of information about the subject of the statement in a certain direction), conceptual (creating a certain representation in the recipient's mind), modeling (creating a model of the use of the advertised product in everyday life in the recipient's mind), motivating, reminding, educational, etc.

The most difficult to translate is wordplay, which forces the play of language tools that are not available in the target language, for example, author's neologisms based on verbs of movement.

Когда переводчик не имеет возможности передать “игру” слово в слово, то он не переводит фразу, которую дает автор текста, а создает свою собственную игру слов, иногда построенную на совершенно иной основе и использующую совершенно другие значения. Тщательно проанализировав всю возможную передачу игры слов, переводчик должен выбрать ту, которая предоставляет наибольшие возможности, помимо метода, используемого автором. Когда необходимо воспроизвести игру слов, можно попытаться найти рифму, совместить ее с антонимическим употреблением. Почти непереводимым в современном контексте является каламбур, основанный на понимании фрагментов, которые немотивированно и иногда немного видоизменяются словами.

When the translator is not able to convey the” game " word for word, he does not translate the phrase that the author of the text gives, but creates his own word game, sometimes built on a completely different basis and using completely different meanings. After carefully analyzing all possible wordplay transmission, the translator should choose the one that provides the greatest opportunities, in addition to the method used by the author. When it is necessary to reproduce the wordplay, you can try to find a rhyme, combine it with the antonymic use. Almost untranslatable in a modern context is a pun based on the understanding of fragments that are unmotivated and sometimes slightly modified by words.

One of the most difficult problems of translation is a pun intended for a foreign-language audience.

Из-за ошибок в переводе реклама, содержащая игру слов, может получить противоположное чувство юмора, что может привести к провалу кампании. American Airlines приобрела для своих самолетов кожаные кресла и решила проинформировать об этом мексиканских потребителей. На английском языке тес-логан звучал значительно: Fly in Leather!  Дословный перевод приобрел совершенно иное значение: Летай голым!

Due to translation errors, ads containing wordplay can get the opposite sense of humor, which can lead to the failure of the campaign. American Airlines purchased leather seats for its planes and decided to inform Mexican consumers about this. In English, the tes slogan sounded significant: Fly in Leather!  The literal translation took on a completely different meaning: Fly naked!


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