Контрольная работа по "Английскому языку"
Автор: Бексултан Серик • Декабрь 18, 2020 • Контрольная работа • 3,876 Слов (16 Страниц) • 264 Просмотры
Text 12
1.Read and translate the text into Kazakh/Russian.
Foreign Policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan
After the collapse of the USSR, Kazakhstan faced a difficult question: what kind of foreign policy would better protect its interests. It was not easy to find the right answer. Even Mikhail Gorbachev was pretty skeptical about the future of Kazakhstan as an independent state. He thought that the republic with the indigenous ethnic group constituting a minority wouldn’t be able to ensure internal stability and was doomed to interference from outside powers.
In the early 1990s well-known politicians such as Margaret Thatcher and James Baker visited Kazakhstan to feel out the political and economic situation in the country
The newly- elected President Nursultan A. Nazarbaev was invited to meet President of the USA George H. Bush. This meeting took place in Moscow and lasted for 2 hours.
We knew that the West was sizing up Kazakhstan, a potential international player and a partner in the Central Asian region.
Kazakhstan attracted their interests not only by its enormous natural resources but also by the fact that it possessed combat-ready nuclear weapons. But Washington was against any enlargement of the “nuclear club”.
A declaration on the establishment of the Commonwealth of Independent states (CIS), signed on December 21, 1991, in Almaty, provided that Russia was to become the USSR's successor in the UN Security Council and a successor with regard to the nuclear weapons as well. Thus, the five permanent members of the Council started to draft a document that would provide a legal confirmation that Russia was to be the only nuclear state among post-Soviet Republics.
The first high-level diplomatic meeting after the break-up of the Soviet Union with the participation of Belarus, Kazakhstan, Russia and Ukraine was held in March 1992.
At that meeting the participants agreed upon the principal point of the memorandum that Russia was the «only nuclear – weapon state» in the CIS.
Later that provision served as a basis for the Lisbon Protocol of May 1992, which provided a legal confirmation of the renunciation by Belarus, Kazakhstan and Ukraine of any future claims to nuclear weapons. They also proclaimed their commitment to the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty.
But, unfortunately, with all these latest developments, the Non-Proliferation Treaty is no longer considered within the international community as some kind of «sacred cow». A number of so-called «threshold states» want to become nuclear-weapon states.
The signing of the Lisbon Protocol triggered a succession of diplomatic recognition of Kazakhstan. Other countries and international organizations started to open their embassies and offices in Kazakhstan. Looking at Kazakhstan, the international community saw a mature and responsible partner they could deal and establish dialogues with on the most pressing issues on the international agenda.
The main goal was to pursue such a foreign policy that would allow Kazakhstan to maintain stable and predictable relations, first of all with the neighboring states and, second, with all leading players in the Great Game, which had resumed with the start of globalization.
We set ourselves a goal to gradually install a whole system of cooperation with interested states without jeopardizing our national interests.
We would like to conclude the text by reminding the reader of a warning by one of the greatest champions of peace and non-violence referring to Mahatma Ganhi’s “SEVEN Social Sins” that cause great harm to humankind:
- Politics without principle
- Wealth without Work
- Commerce without Morality
- Pleasure without Conscience
- Education without Character
- Science without Humanity
- Worship without Sacrifice
(An Extract from Memoirs by Kazakhstan's Foreign Minister Kassymzhomart Tokaev)
Explanatory Notes
to be doomed to interference | қол сұғуға душар болу | быть обреченным на вмешательство |
to attract one’s interests | біреудің назарын тарту | привлекать чьи-либо интересы |
to provide a legal contribution | заңды растаумен қамтамасыз ету | обеспечить юридическое подтверждение чему-то |
the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty | ядролық қаруларды таратпау жөніндегі келісім | договор о нераспространении ядерного оружия |
to set a goal | алдына мақсат етіп қою | ставить перед собой цель |
to jeopardize national interests | ұлттық мүддеге зиян келтіру | Наносить ущерб национальным интересам |
II. Write out and memorize unknown words and word combinations.
III.Translate the text into Kazakh (Russian).
Қазақстан Республикасының сыртқы саясаты
КСРО ыдырағаннан кейін Қазақстан алдында күрделі мәселе тұрды: оның мүдделерін қандай сыртқы саясат жақсырақ қорғайды. Дұрыс жауапты табу оңай болған жоқ. Тіпті Михаил Горбачев Қазақстанның тәуелсіз мемлекет ретіндегі болашағына күмәнмен қарады. Ол азшылықты құрайтын байырғы этникалық топтағы республика ішкі тұрақтылықты қамтамасыз ете алмайды деп ойлады және сыртқы күштердің араласуына ұшырады.