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Контрольная работа по "Английскому языку"

Автор:   •  Май 30, 2020  •  Контрольная работа  •  1,409 Слов (6 Страниц)  •  401 Просмотры

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Министерство науки и высшего образования Российской Федерации











            Кафедра менеджмента










Контрольная работа № 2



По дисциплине: Деловой иностранный язык (английский)



На тему: 1 вариант



Студента:  Майор Павел Павлович




Направление подготовки: 38.03.02 Управление малым бизнесом



Курс, группа: 1 курс 1СДП-4



Номер зачетной книжки: 1835308







2020 г.








Вариант 1

Задание 1. Прочитайте и устно переведите весь текст, а абзацы 2, 3 и 4 переведите письменно:

New York City A simple and exciting way to travel around America is to take a tour and adventure package, which includes transport, accommodation, food and a guide. One of the popular holiday destinations in the world is New York City. NYC is an adrenaline-charged, history-laden place that holds immense romantic appeal for 77 visitors. Towering skyscrapers serve as monuments of the modern age. Street life buzzes round the clock. New York City comprises five boroughs – Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens, the Bronx and Staten Island. The waterfront, redeveloped in many places, and the Central Park give the city a chance to catch its breath. Iconic symbol of world culture is the neon of Times Square, known around the world as a symbol of the American spirit. It is located in central Manhattan at the junction of Broadway and Seventh Avenue. More than a third of a million people pass through the iconic square every day. From the Top of the Rock located 70 stories up at Rockefeller Center you’ll enjoy 360 degree stunning views of beautiful city. There are some key attractions and pleasures that you won’t want to miss: Chinatown, Soho, the East and West villages. Soho was a big centre for art galleries in the 1970s and 80s; it’s better known today for its shops and some historic cast-iron buildings. The East and West villages are known for their gorgeous, tree-lined streets, bohemian history and their hip bars, restaurants and shops. Of course, there is also the celebrated architecture of Midtown and the Financial District, as well as many fabulous museums. Midtown is dotted with some of the city’s most impressive sights, including the Empire State Building, Grand Central Terminal and the Museum of Modern Art. Fans of museums cannot miss the dinosaurs and planetarium at the American Museum of Natural History, the mummies and medieval art work at the Metropolitan Museum of Art and thought-provoking collection of modern art in a breathtaking setting of glass atriums at Museum of Modern Art (or simply put, MoMA). Don’t forget to visit the renowned Bronx Zoo and the botanical gardens in the Bronx. You could easily spend a whole day at the vast Metropolitan Museum of Art, exploring everything from Egyptian artefacts to modern masters. Lincoln Center and the American Museum of Natural History are also worth a visit. There’s no greater symbol of the American dream than the magnificent Statue of Liberty gracing New York Harbor. A symbol of the city’s role as the gateway for generations of immigrants, was brought from France in 1886. You should enjoy a sea-sprayed, refreshing free trip on the Staten Island Ferry to have a perfect view of the Manhattan’s skyline and the Statue of Liberty.


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