Контрольная работа по "Английскому языку"
Автор: Михаил Кайору • Октябрь 29, 2019 • Контрольная работа • 1,119 Слов (5 Страниц) • 424 Просмотры
1. Read and translate the text.
Mass production vs. handicraft
‘I’m Steve and I’m head of car production at a manufacturing plant. ‘Plant’ sounds more modern than factory or works. On the assembly line we massproduce cars. The plant is highly automated: we use a lot of machinery. These machines are expensive to buy but very cost-effective – we don’t have to pay them wages! We use industrial robots. These robots are part of the CADCAM system of computer-assisted design and manufacturing. ‘ ‘My name’s Luke. I have a little workshop where I produce furniture ordered by individual customers. We don’t use machinery: the furniture is hand-made. Producing furniture like this is a craft industry. It’s very labour intensive it tales a lot of work to produce each piece. Many people dislike the furniture that big companie’s churn out in large numbers on their production lines, so we have a lot of customers.’
- Я Стів і очолюю виробництво автомобілів на підприємстві. ‘Підприємство’
звучить більш сучасно, ніж фабрика або виробництво. На конвеєрі ми масово виробляємо автомобілі. Підприємство високо автоматизоване: ми використовуємо багато техніки. Ця техніка дуже дорога в закупці, але дуже економічно-ефективна, ми не повинні платити
їм заробітну плату! Ми використовуємо промислових роботів. Ці роботи є частиною CADCAM
система комп'ютерного проектування і виробництва. '
- Мене звуть Люк. У мене є невелика майстерня, де я роблю меблі на
індивідуальні замовлення клієнтів. Ми не використовуємо верстати: меблі виготовляються власноруч. Виробництво таких меблів - реміснича промисловість. Це дуже трудомістко.
Потрібно багато працювати для того щоб зробити кожну частину. Багато людей не люблять меблі, які великі компанії випускають у великій кількості на своїх виробничих лініях, тому у нас є
багато клієнтів.'
Ex 2 U1
cost of living. Protectionism. Capital. Fiscal. Inflation. standard of living.
1. Fiscal -- Adjective meaning of or related to public (i.e. government) finances (taxation, expenditure, etc.).
2. Inflation -- A rise in the general level of prices and an increase in the money supply.
3. Capital -- The accumulated stock of goods used for the production of further goods (and the money required to purchase them).
4. cost of living -- A measure of the amount of money that has to be paid for essentials such as food, accommodation, heating, clothing, etc. 6
5. standard of living -- A measure of the amount of disposable income that people have to spend on both necessities and luxuries.
6. protectionism -- The practice of restricting imports in order to increase the sales of domestic products.
Ex 3 U1
A recession is a situation of decreasing real GDP, falling incomes and rising unemployment for two consecutive quarters. Nowadays the world is suffering the worst recession, which means the economy has negative growth banks are suffering and manufacturing industry is falling. There are many symptoms show the economy of the world is in a situation of recession. For example the house prices falling, a lot of banks are collapsing and many businesses are declining. The value of money that people have is depreciated so that individuals lose their wealth, then there is less money running in the economy which leads to less production and high unemployment, therefore the GDP is falling. In this essay I would like to analyze what caused the current recession and what are the current policies of the US government to solve the crisis. From last year with some symptoms of the economic recession occurred, the world economy hold the toughest recession. There are many reasons which have lead to recession. The first cause is the credit crunch, which is the main reason leading to the recession of the US. The credit crunch refers to a sudden shortage of funds for lending, leading to a result of decline in loans available. And the sub-prime mortgage, which means mortgage companies give inappropriate mortgage to people who want to buy houses who have low incomes and poor credit. It is the fuse that causes a credit crunch. Before the recession the house market of the US was booming. During the recession the house prices have “fallen by a staggering 18% over the past year”
Ex 4 U1