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Контрольная работа по "Английскому языку"

Автор:   •  Октябрь 4, 2019  •  Контрольная работа  •  1,204 Слов (5 Страниц)  •  825 Просмотры

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  1. Выберите слово, близкое по значению к данному. Номера соответствий внесите в лист ответов.

1.area        a) region        b) population        c) product

2. tolerant        a) suffering        b) bearable        c) patient

3. harbour

a) shelter

b) capital

c) city

4. environment

a) world

b) devote

c) surroundings


a) journey

b) pleasure

c) creativity

  1. Выберите слово, противоположное по значению к данному. Номера соответствий внесите в лист ответов.

6. urban

a) city

b) major

c) southern

7. expensive

a) cheap

b) expressive

c) extra

8. success

a) failure

b) luck

c) advice

9. fun

a) fame

b) boredom

c) different

10. effective

a) unethical

b) insensitive

c) wasteful

  1. Выберите английское словосочетание, соответствующее русскому. Номера соответствий внесите в лист ответов.

11.небоскреб        a) sky-blue

12.недвижимость        a) real estate

13.перекресток        a) cross-road

14.фондоваябиржа        a) stock exchange

15.главный офис        a) headhunter

  1. sky-scraper
  1. real story
  1. cross-word
  1. stock broker

  1. headquarter


  1. Вставьте вопросительные слова What, Where, Why, When, How в пропуски. Занесите выбранный вариант в лист ответов.
  1. …is the weather like today?
  2. … don't you like this project?
  3. … about a coffee break?
  4. … do you find time for reading?
  5. … is our partners’ latest price-list?
  6. … do Anne and Betty get to work every day?
  7. … does your boss go to work?
  8. … istheSales department?
  9. … are we going on a business trip?

  1. Соедините фразы. Номера соответствий внесите в лист ответов.


Why don’t we stop for lunch?

a) That’s very kind of you, but it’s my treat.


Is it the bill? I will get this.

b) Thank you. It looks great but I couldn’t eat



Is there anything you don’t eat?

c) Yes, good idea. I am starving.


Pizza is a healthy choice, isn’t it?

d) Well, I’m not sure. Doesn’t it contain a lot of



Do you want to come to lunch on Sunday?

e) Yes, actually, I’m allergic to peanuts.


Would you like some chocolate?

f) Let’s check the price of a salad.


How about some salad?

g) It’s my sister’s birthday. Wecanmakeit

another time.


Her cooking is the best.

h) That’strue.

  1. Подберите к первой части условных предложений (из первого столбика) их окончание (из второго столбика). Номера соответствий внесите в лист ответов.


If I had more time

a) he would know that he was making a mistake.


If he were cleverer

b) we would have learnt about it in time.


If I had come three minutes earlier

c) if you missed all lectures?


I the letter had been received some days ago   d) I would help.


37. What would you do

e) I would have taken 9 o’clock train.


If you went to the tropics

f) you will get sick.


If you don’t drink enough water

g) you will need a special insurance policy.


If you don’t take your umbrella

h) you will need a phrase book.


If I were retired and had money

i) you will have to get vaccinated.


If you want to get a visa to Germany

j) you should get an invitation.


If I had enough money

k) I would stop working.


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