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Контрольная работа по "Английскому языку"

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Выполнить следующие практические задания и отправить преподавателю.

I. Замените подлежащее, выраженное существительным, личным местоимением.

Образец: My aunt is a teacher. She is a teacher.

1. This test is difficult. It is difficult.

2. These tests are easy. They are easy.

3. That computer is modern. It is modern.

4. Those computers are not new. They are not new.

5. My brother is a doctor. He is a doctor.

6. His sister is a student. She is a student.

7. Nick and I are good friends. We are good friends.

8. Bob and Tom are their children. They are their children.

9. Gene and Ann are at school. They are at school.

10. His uncle is an artist. He is an artist.

II. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на перевод притяжательных местоимений-существительных.

Образец: Your car is in the garage. А где ее?

Твоя (ваша) машина в гараже. Where is hers?

1. His bag is on the chair. Where is hers? Его сумка на стуле. А где ее?

2. This is your text-book. Тот – мой. Это твой учебник. That is mine.

3. My group is in room five. Твоя (ваша) – в четвертой ауди¬тории. Моя группа в пятой аудитории. Yours is in room four.

4. Our cottage is not far from the city. Их (коттедж) далеко от города. Наш коттедж недалеко от города. Their cottage is far from the city.

5. My nephews are little boys. Ее (племянники) – взрослые. Мои племянники маленькие мальчики. Her nephews are adults.

6. Their children are in the garden. Где наши? Их дети в саду. Where are ours?

7. His parents are old. Мои – довольно молодые. Его родители старые. Mine are pretty young.

8. My test is difficult. Твой – легкий. Мой тест сложный. Your is easy.

9. Her relatives are here. Его – там. Ее родственники здесь. His relatives are there.

10. My keys are in my bag. Где твои? Мои ключи в моей сумке. Where are yours?

III. Переведите.

Образец: My niece. My niece’s boyfriend.

Моя племянница. Друг моей племянницы.

1. My sister; my sister’s room. Моя сестра. Комната моей сестры.

2. My group; my group’s student. Моя группа. Студент моей группы.

3. His sister; his sister’s friends. Его сестра. Друзья его сестры.

4. These children; these children’s parents. Эти дети. Родители этих детей.

5. Those women; those women’s children. Те женщины. Дети тех женщин.

выполнить на портале, упр. 4 стр. 16

IV. Раскройте скобки, напишите количественные местоимения much, many, переведите предложения, обращая внимание на перевод оборота there is, there are.

1. There (to be) много children in the garden. There are many children in the garden. В саду много детей.

2. The park (to be) in the centre of the city, there (to be) много flowers there. The park is in the centre of the city, there are many flowers there. Парк находится в центре города, там много цветов.

3. There (to be) много useful information in this book. There is much useful information in this book. В этой книге много полезной информации.

4. He (to be) the only child in this family. He is the only child in this family. Он – единственный ребенок в семье.

5. There (to be) five children in this family. There are five children in this family. В этой семье пять детей.

6. There (to be) много cold days in November. There are many cold days in November. В ноябре много холодных дней.

7. There (to be) много light in this room. There is much light in this room. В этой комнате много света.

8. The soup (to be) not tasty. There (to be) много salt in it. The soup is not tasty. There is much salt in it. Этот суп не вкусный. В нем много соли.

9. I (to be) glad that there (to be) много my friends here. I am glad that there are many my friends here. Я рад, что здесь много моих друзей.

10. There (to be) много computers in the room. They (to be) all modern. There are many computers in the room. They are all modern. В этой комнате много компьютеров. Они все современные.

выполнить на портале, упр. 1, стр. 28

I. Сравните употребление Present Continuous и Present Simple. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Continuous или в Present Simple.

1. I (to read) now. I (to read) every day. I’m reading now. I read every day.

2. He (to sleep) now. He (to sleep) every night. He’s sleeping now. He sleeps every night.

3. He (to drink) tea now. He (to drink) tea


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