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Контрольная работа по "Английскому языку"

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West Kazakhstan Marat Ospanov State Medical University



Faculty: General Medicine

Department: Foreign language

Theme: My group

Performed by: Sabitkyzy Aidana

Group: 113 A

Checked by: Nurseitova Bakytgul

I.Read and translate the text

                         My group

 Unibersity life is a thing which you can hardly forget.This is the time when you  become an aduit,a more sensible person with the sober views on life.

  First of all ,to pass entrance exams and enter the university is a real challenge for a youg person.It takes a lot of time, knowledge ,patience and nerves.Besides, a lot of work expects you. A student should to get familiar with a new timetable ,new subjects which are mush more complicated than at school. Very oftev it is difficult to cope with the work load of university.You  have  to be  a serious, attentive  and  responsible person concentrated on studying.Some  new students soon understand that studying at university is hard work which takes  a lot of time and strength ,so they immediately start missing classes .This is not so good fer them,because it is so difficult to catch up with  the programme  later.Besides, such studends usullay have a gret number of debts before the beginning of examination session.

    I am first year student of West Kazakhstan Marat Ospanov State Medical Unibersity .I have a friendly and united group.There are 24 students and I am  in good relations with almost all of them . I can  say that  I m quite a sociable person and  I have  lots  of friends among my group mates . I spend the majorty of my  time with them because the whole day together at the university and  in a hostel.  We don t only have lessons together ,but we also attend additional activities. Some of our  students go in for  sport  trinings, some attend university social life and some participate in university’ s societies.

  Another point is the relaationships within a group and between  students and teachers . It is  not a secret  that relationships play an important role in student’s life .You spend a lot of time at the university  communicating with your group mates and trying to make a contact with other students . It  is wonderful if  you find a like –minded person who can become a real  friend for  all  5 or 6 years of studying or you just meet interesting people who are easy in    communication.Sometimes an opposite thing may happen.When you see your group mates for the first time, it may they have nothing in commen with you. It should be mentioned that students come across a lot of  events  during their studying in university .Some of them may disappoint you; some bring a lot of joy and even make you feel happy.That is why a lot of people say that their college or university years were the greatest and happiest time in their life.

III. Write down the transcription and practice the pronunciation of the following words;

1.Adult     [ˈædʌlt]  кәмелетке толмаған

2.sensible  [ ˈsensəbl ]  ақылға қонымды

3. sober viems  [ ˈsəʊ.bər ]

4.entranse exams  [ ɪɡˈzæm ]   түсу емтиханы

5. challenge  [ ˈtʃælɪndʒ ]   шақыру

6.Knowledge  [ ˈnɒlɪdʒ ]  білу

7. patience     [ ˈpeɪʃns ]  шыдамдылық

8. nerves        [ nɜːv  ]   жүйке

9. to expect     [ tə ɪkˈspekt  ]   күту

10. responsible  [ rɪˈspɒnsəbl ]   жауапты catch up [ tә kætʃ ʌp ]    жету үшін

12.united group   [ juˈnaɪtɪd ] біріккен топ

13. sociable     [ ˈsəʊ.ʃə.bl̩ ] достық

14. majority    [ məˈdʒɒrəti ]  көпшілік mates  [ ɡruːp ] топ мүшелері

16. to be mentioned [ tə bi ˈmen.ʃən ] айтқан жөн

17. additional activities   [ əˈdɪʃənl ækˈtɪv.ɪ.ti ] қосымша іс -шаралар communicate [ tə kəˈmjuːnɪkeɪt ] қарым –қатынас жасау

19. disappoint [ ˌdɪsəˈpɔɪnt ]   көңідін қалдыру   [ ɪˈvent ]   оқиғалар

IV. Find equivalents of the following words.

  1. to forget – ұмыту/забывать
  2. sensible – ақылда/разумный
  3. patience – шыдамдылық/терпение
  4. timetable – сабақ кестесі/расписание
  5. work load – жұмыс жүктемесі/рабочая нагрузка
  6. attentive – ұқыпты/внимательный
  7. responsible – жауапты/ответственный
  8. immediately – тез арада/немедленно
  9. missing classes – сабақтан қалу/пропускать занятия
  10. sociable person – жылдам тіл табысатын адам/коммуникабельный человек
  11. participate – қатысу/принимать участие
  12. to make a contact – араласу/общаться
  13. university’s societies – университет үйірмелері/кружки университета
  14. a like-minded person – өз ойынан шығатын адам/человек близкий по характеру
  15. nothing in common – ортақ ештене жоқ/ничего общего
  16. a real friend – шынайы дос/настоящий друг

V. Find the key sentences in each paragraph, write down them.


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