Контрольная работа по "Английский язык"
Автор: Anastasia4216 • Апрель 10, 2019 • Контрольная работа • 613 Слов (3 Страниц) • 330 Просмотры
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федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение
высшего образования
«Новосибирский государственный университет экономики и управления «НИНХ»
Кафедра бизнеса в сфере услуг
Дисциплина: Иностранный язык (английский)
Ф.И.О студента: Морозова Анастасия Евгеньевна
Направление/специальность: 43.03.03 Гостиничное дело
Номер группы: ГД81
Номер варианта контрольной работы: 4
Номер зачетной книжки: 182177
Дата регистрации контрольной работы кафедрой: _______________________
Новосибирск, 2019
Номер задания | Вариант ответа | Номер задания | Вариант ответа |
1 | A | 26 | A |
2 | B | 27 | E |
3 | A | 28 | D |
4 | C | 29 | G |
5 | A | 30 | B |
6 | C | 31 | F |
7 | A | 32 | H |
8 | A | 33 | H |
9 | B | 34 | A |
10 | A | 35 | C |
11 | B | 36 | J |
12 | A | 37 | D |
13 | A | 38 | I |
14 | A | 39 | B |
15 | B | 40 | F |
16 | What | 41 | K |
17 | Why | 42 | G |
18 | What | 43 | E |
19 | How | 44 | A |
20 | Where | 45 | C |
21 | Why | 46 | B |
22 | When | 47 | 5 |
23 | When | 48 | 4 |
24 | When | 49 | 4 |
25 | C | 50 | 3 |
2. The National Character exists. It is not a myth, it's a reality. But the National Character doesn't describe the character of every person, it describes the character of people of nation in general. Every person has its own character, but according to the person's belonging to some nation many traits of character are similar and these features may be explained as the national character. As is known in Britain there exists the accepted code of behavior. This accepted code of behavior of the British people doesn't allow the straightforward expression of what they think and feel. In contrast to Russians who prefer directness, British people tend to understate things. A conversation in English is full of hints, half tones and half-statements.