Борьба с терроризмом в Великобритании
Автор: wildhugo • Апрель 5, 2018 • Доклад • 1,025 Слов (5 Страниц) • 936 Просмотры
The FIGHT against TERRORISM IN the UK of the Events of recent years, in particular, in Ukraine, the promotion of a European proto-government terrorist organizations in the fight against Gaddafi and al-Assad proves that, unfortunately, terrorism has become an acceptable tool in the struggle - be for spheres of geopolitical influence. “Instability surrounds the Western part of Eurasia South to Northern Africa, from the South-East in the middle East, and now East Ukraine. Everywhere in these regions, the security situation in recent years has deteriorated dramatically. Thirteen years after the beginning of the “war on terror” for terrorist activity on the planet has greatly increased”. This situation gives the current threat of terrorism a new dimension. One of its goals the terrorists consider the impact on public opinion and on the subjects of decision-making by intimidation, which leads to deterioration of the situation in the state or region, and in the modern global society to a series of major terrorist attacks increasingly have the potential to destabilize and operation of the world political system. The communication component is an important aspect in terrorist activities, as respectively international security. In this regard, a timely and essential analysis of communication strategies of developed countries in this field. Communication, counter - terrorism can be successful if the combination of open and closed communications. The last well-developed systems of intelligence and counterintelligence of the European States. In the aftermath of the terrorist attacks of 11 September 2001, most governments, the EU has continuously expanded States anti-terrorist police and security services. For example, the budget of the British MI-5 was increased by almost 30% from May 2004 to June 2005.
(События последних лет, в частности, на Украине, содействие европейских правительств террористическим организациям в борьбе против М. Каддафи и Б. Асада доказывают, что, к сожалению, терроризм стал приемлемым инструментом в борьбе за сферы геополитического влияния. “Нестабильность опоясывает западную часть Евразии, с юга в Северной̆ Африке, с юго-востока на Ближнем Востоке, а теперь и с востока на Украине. Везде в этих регионах ситуация с безопасностью в последние годы резко ухудшилась. Через тринадцать лет после начала “воины с террором” террористическая активность на планете сильно выросла”. Такое положение вещей̆ придает сегодня террористической̆ угрозе новую окраску.
Одной̆ из своих целей̆ террористы считают воздействие на общественное мнение и на субъектов принятия решений путем устрашения, которое приводит к ухудшению обстановки в государстве или регионе, а в современном глобальном обществе, серия крупных терактов всё чаще способна дестабилизировать функционирование мировой̆ политической̆ системы. Коммуникационная составляющая является важным аспектом в террористической̆ деятельности, как и соответственно международной̆ безопасности. В связи с этим своевременным и необходимым представляется анализ коммуникационных стратегий развитых стран мира в данной̆ области. Коммуникационное противодействие терроризму может быть успешным при сочетании открытых и закрытых коммуникаций. Последние хорошо развиты в системах разведки и контрразведки европейских государств.
В период после терактов 11 сентября 2001 года большинство правительств ЕС постоянно расширяло штаты антитеррористической̆ полиции и служб безопасности. К примеру, бюджет британской̆ МИ-5 был увеличен почти на 30% с мая 2004 по июнь 2005 года)
A brief overview of the antiterrorist structures of the UK. Britain has a long history of countering the threats of terrorism and political extremism. An important role is played by intelligence and counter - intelligence. So, a permanent parliamentary Committee on intelligence and security. It was founded in accordance with the 1994 law “On the intelligence services”, its main goal originally was to cost analysis, management systems and policies of three of the country's secret service: security Service (Security Service – MI5, MI5), Secret intelligence service (Secret Intelligence Service – SIS, Military or Intelligence – MI6, MI6) and GCHQ (Government Communications Headquarters – GCHQ). Members of the Committee in accordance with the 1989 act “On state secret” work in the privacy mode. The Committee reports directly to the Prime Minister, and through him to Parliament, publishing including annual reports on own work (they are in the public domain on the website of the UK government). The Committee has a Secretariat composed of the Secretariat of the Cabinet of Ministers. In the report of the parliamentary Committee on intelligence and security for 2001-2002 notes that the major legislation that today provides - out activities of intelligence and security entered into force in early 2000-ies. Among them, the 2000 law “On Terrorism”, the Act on the legal regulation of investigatory powers (Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act – RIPA) 2000 - Yes, the Law on combating terrorism (Anti-Terrorism Crime and Security Act – ATCSA) 2001 and the Law on data protection (Data Protection Act – DPA) 1998. These laws have increased the requirements for security services. The mechanism of the state intelligence service (there is even quite an official term National Intelligence Machinery), in addition to the three above-mentioned intelligence, includes the headquarters of the military intelligence (Defence Intelligence Staff – DIS) and the joint intelligence Committee (Joint Intelligence Committee – JIC), consisting of the Secretariat of the Cabinet of Ministers.