Learning from the past
Автор: yololya02 • Июнь 15, 2023 • Эссе • 320 Слов (2 Страниц) • 181 Просмотры
Learning from the past
There is a Russian saying that helped me in my life from troubles and warned me against the expected problems. This saying sounds like this: “My tongue is my enemy”. But there is also an English version of this proverb, which sounds like this: “Loose lips sink ships”.
First of all, I want to explain what does it mean. Everyone knows that what has been said cannot be turned back. Therefore, before you say anything, you need to think several times because things that you said may offend the interlocutor. You may say something tactless or hurt the feelings of your companion. But sometimes things that you said can be a cruel joke because what was said may be revealed by your friend with whom you shared your story. After all, not everyone can keep secrets, and not every interlocutor is your friend.
As for me, this saying helped me so much. In high school, I communicated with many people and considered everyone my close friend. But as it turned out, not everyone considered me their friend, so they did not think it their duty to keep my secrets. I shared this with my grandmother, who advised me this saying to me, which made me think about my future conversations.
Besides, I once offended my sister so much by saying thoughtless things. She did not accept herself and did not love herself, considering herself ugly. And I told her that she was too pimply. This upset her very much and she cried for a long time. I was at a loss until I realized my mistake, because it hurt my sister to the heart.
In conclusion I want to say that always before you express your thoughts and speech, you need to filter them. They can affect the relationship and the course of events in the future.