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Причини міграції молоді за кордон

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Emigration of Ukrainian Youth: Causes and Consequences for the Future of the Country

Надєїна Ірина студентка групи 3521

Національний університет кораблебудування ім. адмірала Макарова

Україна, м.Миколаїв


Кравчук Ольга Юріївна,викладач кафедри соціально-гуманітарних дисциплін

Національний Університет Кораблебудування ім. адмірала Макарова

Україна, м. Миколаїв


Abstract: The article is devoted to the analysis of the phenomenon of youth emigration abroad, the causes and consequences of such a process. The article deals with the main problems in the country that cause the total outflow of youth abroad.

Key words: emigration, politics, migration waves, labor potential of the country, socio-economic situation of the country, education level.

Actuality: Due to the acute political situation in Ukraine, millions of Ukrainians travel abroad in search of a better life. Every year the number of emigrants increases and it seems that the authorities are unaware of the consequences that this can lead to. So the topic is currently very relevant.

The purpose of the article is to highlight the causes and consequences of the departure of young people abroad.

Ukraine is a state located in the Eastern and partly in Central Europe, in the south-western part of the Eastern European Plain. The area is 603 628 km². The largest area in the country of those whose territory lies entirely in Europe, the second in the European part of the world, if we take Russia into account.

Since the onset of hostilities in the East, inevitable processes have started in the country, which now only lead to a decline. An urgent issue today is the total departure of youth abroad.

The main reason is, of course, a material matter. According to a survey conducted by the Kiev International Institute of Sociology on the order of the «Mirror of the week» publication, more than 45% want to earn more. The main reason for 31.6% is the desire to live in a more favorable and comfortable country. These are basic needs: a standard of living and quality of life. What does Ukraine offer?

In 2017, the average salary for the year increased significantly: from 6 thousand UAH to 8.7 ths. UAH, that is, by 46%, but also exponentially increases the cost of purchasing goods and services. The government is trying, with minimal effort, to improve the situation, but a third of Ukrainians still do not want to stay at home. So the improvements are not enough.

Director of the Institute for the Transformation of Society Oleg Soskin asserts that the flow of emigration from Ukraine has intensified after the Dignity Revolution. If we take in its various forms, both temporary and permanent, we approached 10 million. This includes going to study, and moving family members. 10 million Ukrainians are abroad. Of these, some 4 million people have left for permanent or temporary residence in the last ten years. 6 million are those who are in an uncertain state: the wage earners, students, those who are 100% not yet sure that they will leave the country. "

Victor Nebozhenko, Director of the Ukrainian Barometer Sociological Service, said that police and border guards had been involved in calculations earlier. But now a big politician intervened. And not only because migration is an indicator that the government is doing poorly with its responsibilities.

"The less we show how many people leave, the easier it will be to manipulate them later in the election," V. Nebozhenko says. "For this reason, the presidents keep their oaths of not censoring the people".

The most popular among Ukrainians are countries such as the USA, Canada, Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Russia, Italy, and Portugal. According to Eurostat, as of April 2017, 112 thousand citizens of Ukraine live in the Czech Republic, 4.3 thousand in Bulgaria, 230 thousand in Italy, 35 thousand in Portugal. But these are only official figures, and bypassing the official procedures there gets many times more Ukrainians.

It is as impossible to calculate the exact number of emigrants as it is impossible to determine the number of migration waves that Ukraine experienced and is experiencing. Ukrainian political scientist Viktor Nebozhenko says that the second wave is underway. In the first wave, people with qualifications from relatives in developed countries were leaving Ukraine.

“Now the second wave is when people no longer leave for developed countries, but for those from where their own labor force has moved to developed countries,” the expert says.

Just like in communicating vessels: they leave the UK from Poland, and to Poland - from Ukraine. Only in this system of the conditional three vessels Ukraine is above all, and no one will come into it from Poland and Great Britain.

“The third wave will be when young people without a profession start to leave,” says V.Nebozhenko. “This will happen in a couple of years. The wave will be the strongest. Boys and girls will leave immediately after school, not expecting anything, not counting on anything. These will be competitors Arabs and Africans, 2 million of whom migrated to Europe. Because of this, Europe is uncomfortable, it’s better for Ukrainians to clean up, not Arabs and Africans, so her choice is conscious. "

Last year, the western neighbor of Ukraine, Poland, issued more than 800 thousand work permits, another 300 thousand - Italy. 60 thousand of our students last year went to study at Polish universities, 25 thousand - in German. It’s not difficult to correlate with the statistics of other countries - and an impressive reality will appear before your eyes: Ukrainians are leaving the country en masse, having lost faith in change for the better, the Express newspaper writes.

“At the height of the summer working season, villages in many regions of Ukraine will become empty, many apartments in cities will remain empty - people will leave. This year, according to calculations, in the summer months more than 5 million Ukrainians will be abroad - more than half of the current labor potential of Ukraine. All of them will work on the economies of foreign countries, so my dear became a stepmother. As you understand, a significant part of labor migrants will never return home - unless on Easter or Christmas or to visit their family. Polls show: 65% of Ukrainians aged 14–35 want to go abroad temporarily or permanently. It is easy to understand that the migration moods in the following years only increase, ”the article notes.


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