Significance of the research to the development of business of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Автор: Rauan Khamit • Апрель 26, 2023 • Эссе • 632 Слов (3 Страниц) • 230 Просмотры
Significance of the research to the development of business of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Shaping successful business services in firms that dominate the goods industry
Vildanov R. (Атыныз)
Department of Business Informatics, University of International Business
6B06103 – Digital Marketing
Mussalimova Z. M.
April 26, 2023
Significance of the research to the development of business of the Republic of Kazakhstan
The business landscape is rapidly developing, and firms that have traditionally dominated the goods industry are now expanding their service offerings. Because of this, managers now need to solve a number of tasks, such as researching factors affecting the effectiveness of business units offering B2B services in product-oriented companies (Barney, 1991). To this end, the research work used the multi-case research paradigm to trace the impact of characteristics on productivity, as well as those that contribute to the successful development of services. The study was conducted on the example of four firms that work in the production of goods. In the course of this research work, an intelligence study was conducted.
The transition to providing business services in addition to goods has become a strategic step for many firms in the field of goods production in Kazakhstan. This shift was caused by various factors, such as changing consumer requirements, increased competition, and the development of technology. Companies have realized that providing services along with their products can provide them with a competitive advantage, increase customer loyalty and generate additional sources of income. The concept of corporate strategy plays a crucial role in shaping successful business services in firms that dominate the goods industry (Andrews and Kenneth, 1996). Also, the adaptation of the organization to the market is crucial for the successful implementation of business services. This requires a change in the mindset and culture of the organization, as well as the alignment of the structure, processes and systems to support the provision of services (Day and Wensley, 1988). Thus, based on all the research results obtained, it is possible to find factors affecting the efficiency of business units and, if necessary, modify them for more efficient operation of a business enterprise.
This study will be very useful for all firms in Kazakhstan, because the results of this study are important for business, since this topic is still not fully understood. The significance of this study for business development in Kazakhstan is very great. As the economy of Kazakhstan continues to develop, firms in the production of goods need to adapt to changing market requirements and consumer expectations. Using the results of this study, Kazakhstani firms will be able to better understand the problems and opportunities in the development of successful business services. This study can serve as a guide for firms in Kazakhstan to bring their activities in line with market requirements, create effective B2B services and maintain a competitive advantage in the goods industry. For a business enterprise in Kazakhstan, it is recommended to adhere to a strategic approach that takes into account factors such as corporate strategy, market compliance and the use of firm resources to provide more successful business services in firms.