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Increased risk and disruption in logistics

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Increased risk and disruption in logistics

Today, many goods are produced abroad, and sometimes on other continents, and, in connection with this, there is a need for their movement, storage and other logistics processes. And the more goods are moved, the more likely they are to be damaged or even lost. This essay will look at the main risks that logistics companies face, as well as several ways to prevent them.

In their activities, logisticians may face the following types of risks:

- with the risks of theft, theft or damage to the transported cargo. In this case, the responsibility lies with the contractor, whose duties include ensuring the security measures for the transportation of goods;

- with technical risks associated with the operation of transport: because of them, delivery times are disrupted, the cargo deteriorates and, as a result, the agreements of the parties are violated;

- with economic and legal risks - civil liability in case of damage to individuals or legal entities during transportation processes;

- with environmental risks, when significant damage is caused to the environment as a result of an accident during the transportation of dangerous goods, malfunction of packaging and due to violations of transportation rules;

- with force majeure risks, in which the company cannot control logistics processes (for example, loss or damage to cargo as a result of a natural disaster or due to poor transportation conditions);

- with commercial risks, violation of the terms of delivery of goods, failure to fulfill financial obligations of one of the parties in the supply chain, etc. Violation of delivery dates can be caused by both objective factors (strikes, adverse weather conditions, the outbreak of hostilities) and the inability of the contractor to fulfill its obligations (for example, lack of working capital). Obviously, failure to fulfill the financial obligations of one of the parties will lead to cargo demurrage. And as a result, the costs associated with servicing this downtime will lead to an increase in the cost of transportation.

The skill of risk management is very important for a logistician, as well as the ability to ensure the correct process of transporting goods from point A to point B. The question arises: how can risks be minimized in logistics?

In general, this whole process can be characterized by the following steps:

- risk identification

- assessment of possible risks

- planning measures to reduce costs;

- control and monitoring of risks;

- risk financing;

- quantitative and qualitative evaluation of the results.

Each party of the logistics process (i.e. sender, recipient, freight forwarder) is interested in minimizing all possible risks.

To insure against customer claims and confirm the quality of the packaging, the sender can take a photo or video report in the presence of independent experts who will confirm that the process fully complies with all necessary standards.

To avoid loss due to loss or damage to the goods, the recipient may insure the goods. In the case of a delay in the delivery of goods, which arose as a result of the unfair work of a new contractor, the company must have working capital to purchase a similar product from local suppliers. It will be a little more expensive, but it will not stop the processes in the company.

After the completion of the delivery process, each of the three parties must analyze how profitable or disadvantageous for them all the work turned out to be. The sender evaluates the quality of the sale and shipment of the goods, the recipient evaluates the work with the delivered goods, and the forwarder evaluates the results of the work on the delivery of the goods to its recipient.

Based on the foregoing, we can conclude that for the successful operation of a company engaged in foreign economic activity, it is necessary to use the correct, timely approach to managing logistics risks. First of all, it is necessary to identify the risk itself, then collect information about its possible consequences, analyze it, determine the management objectives for solving the problem and choose a specific plan for further actions.

Also, in order to minimize risks in logistics, you should carefully choose a carrier, do not save on cargo packaging and, of course, do not forget about its insurance. After all, a high level of risk can lead to a decrease in the level of competitiveness of the company, and ultimately to bankruptcy.

Увеличение рисков и нарушений в логистике

На сегодняшний день множество товаров производится за границей, а иногда и на других континентах, и, в связи с этим возникает потребность в их перемещении, хранении и других логистических процессах. А чем больше перемещаются грузы, тем больше вероятность их повреждения или вовсе потери. В данном эссе будут рассмотрены основные риски, с которыми сталкиваются логистические компании, а также несколько способов их предотвращения.

В своей деятельности логисты могут столкнуться со следующими видами рисков:

- с рисками хищений, кражи или порчи перевозимого груза. В этом случае, ответственность лежит на исполнителе, в обязанности которого входит обеспечение мер безопасности перевозки груза;

- с техническими рисками, связанными с эксплуатацией транспорта: из-за них срываются сроки поставки, портится груз и, как следствие нарушаются договоренности сторон;

- с хозяйственно-правовыми рисками – гражданской ответственностью при нанесении ущерба физическим или юридических лицам в


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