General glossary
Автор: Nika96 • Сентябрь 13, 2022 • Лекция • 5,285 Слов (22 Страниц) • 202 Просмотры
Term | Index | Definition | Ukrainian equivalent |
accuracy | 2.1 | The ability to write or speak a foreign language without making grammatical, vocabulary, spelling or pronunciation mistakes. Compare with fluency. | мовна правильність |
achievement test | 4.4 | A test which looks back over a long period of language learning to test how much of the syllabus the learners have learnt. Also known as attainment test. | тест досягнень |
acquisition | 1.2 | The way in which languages are learnt unconsciously or ‘picked up’ by exposure to natural situations | оволодіння |
action research | 5.4 | Classroom-based critical investigation conducted by teachers in order to reflect upon and improve their teaching | дослідження власної педагогічної діяльності |
action research cycle | 5.4 | A sequential set of research steps | цикл у дослідженні |
active vocabulary | 2.3 | Vocabulary that you can recall and use at will in speaking or writing when the situation requires it | активний словник |
activity | 0.1 | A short task which is a part of a lesson | вид діяльності/вправа |
adaptation | 4.2 | The process of changing an existing piece of material to meet the needs of a particular group of learners | адаптація |
affective factors | 1.1 | Emotional factors which influence learning. They can have a negative or positive effect on learning. | афективні (емотивні) фактори |
aids | 2.4 | The things that a teacher uses in class to support teaching and learning. May be technical (e.g. recordings, computer programs) and non-technical (e.g. board, pictures, flashcards). | засоби навчання |
aim | 0.1 | An overall target to be achieved by learners by the end of a course or part of the course | мета |
appraisal | 4.3 | A face-to-face meeting with a student or a teacher to discuss performance | обговорення вчителем діяльності учня в його присутності |
approach | 2.1 | Principles of teaching including views on method, syllabus, and a philosophy of language and learning. Approaches have theoretical backing with practical applications. | підхід |
appropriacy | 4.3 | The most suitable choice of language for the situation, the relationship between speakers, the topic, etc. | ситуативна доцільність |
aptitude | 1.3 | An individual’s potential for success in learning a subject, e.g. English | здібності до вивчення предмета, напр., англійської мови |
attitude | 1.3 | The mindset with which we approach a task, a process or a discipline, e.g. ‘He has a positive attitude to learning English’. Closely connected with motivation and cognitive styles. | ставлення |
assessment | 1.3 | Collecting data or forming an opinion on learners’ achievement, proficiency or progress either formally (awarding marks) or informally. | оцінювання |
Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) | 5.2 | A specific learning condition characterized by low concentration span, poor working memory, and slow understanding of concepts or questions | cиндром дефіциту уваги |
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) | 5.2 | A specific learning difficulty characterised by impulsiveness, low concentration span and limited organisational skills | cиндром гіперактивності |
Audio-Lingual Method | 2.1 | A method focussed on drilling key language structures orally. It is derived from the behaviourist belief that repetition helps to form habits. | аудіолінгвальний метод |
Audio-Visual Method | 2.1 | A method based on transmitting meanings through visual images and then providing the language needed to communicate these meanings | аудіовізуальний метод |
authentic materials | 4.2 | Written or spoken texts originally intended for native speakers. The sources may be, e.g. newspapers, radio, TV, the Internet. | автентичні матеріали |
authentic tasks | 4.2 | Types of tasks which are situated in meaningful contexts, are relevant to learners’ needs and reflect the way they might be found and approached in real life | автентичні завдання |
Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD) | 5.2 | A psychological condition presenting itself in a variety of forms (Autism, Asperger Syndrome)manifested in limited empathy, literal thinking, and limited ability to engage in social situations | аутизм, синдром Аспергера |