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Countries and Languages

Автор:   •  Ноябрь 15, 2021  •  Реферат  •  899 Слов (4 Страниц)  •  303 Просмотры

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Lesson ____4___

Subject:_Foreign language

Theme: Countries and Languages

Grammar:  Possessive Pronouns

Type of lesson: New lesson, Mixed lesson, Drill lesson, Revision, Control work


Educational: to teach and introduce new words according to the theme “Countries and Languages”

Upbringing the interest in foreign language study, culture of communication, such as moral qualities as a partnership, mutual assistance.

Developing: the speaking, reading, writing, listening skills by using new words and word combinations expressing their own opinion. Ability to work individually or in pair and to show the activity at the lesson




Fundamental, Case study, Role playing, Discussion (round table), PPP approach(Presentation, Practice, Production), Communicative L.T, TBL,PBL

Materias:          (visual aids)

CD, PC, Laptop


Main: New Headway, the 4th edition. Elementary  level, 2015.

Murphy Raymond. Essential Grammar in Use. Elementary. Cambridge University Press. – 2010.

Extra: Internet recourses «Everyday english»

Procedure of the lesson

Elements of lesson


Forms and methods of teaching



Greeting: Hello! Good morning! Good day!

Participation of students: Fill in the list of group


Warm-up:  Is everybody okay? Do like travelling? Where have you been to? What places would like to be?



-Explanation of new theme: “Countries and Languages

-Listening: T 1.1

-Vocabulary: Counrty, England, Natinality, Albanian, Italian  Citizen(Person), Frenchman.German


Practice: reading the text individually, translation, questions on the text –“ Countries and Languages” To develop the speaking skills by using new words and saying their opinion. Also the abilities reading and writing in pair work and individual activities.


Production:  today’s theme was widely discussed and understood by SS. They have got some new information “Countries and Languages”. The students have written and spoken about themselves. T-SS shared their own opinions; 


Evaluation: Thank you, everybody was very active and your answers were so interesting. Your marks are following …. The lesson is over. You are free. See you next lesson.


Grammar activity

Great Britain, USA, Canada, Australia and New Zealand are English speaking countries. They are situated in different parts of the world and differ in many ways. The nature of these countries, their weather and climate and way of life of their people differ. Each country has it's own history customs, traditions, its own national holidays. But they all have a common language. English, the language of the people who left England to make their names in new countries. The United Kingdom of Great Britain and North Ireland consist of 4 parts: England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland. The British Isles are group of islands lying off the north-west coast of the continent of Europe. There are no high mountains, no very long river, no great forest in U.K. The population of the U.K. is almost fifty-six million. Great Britain is a capitalists country. The USA is situated in the central part of the North American continent. The population of the USA is more then 236 million people. The USA is a highly developed industrial country. In the USA there are two main political parties, the Democratic Party and the Republican Party. Canada has area of nearly 10 million square kilometers. It's western coast is washed by the Pacific Ocean and its eastern coast by the Atlantic Ocean. The population of Canada is over 26 million people. Canada is a capitalist federal state and a member of the Commonwealth. The Commonwealth of Australia territories are the continent of Australia, the island of Tasmania and number of smaller islands. Australia has an area of nearly eight million square kilometers. The population of Australia is over sixteen million people. The Commonwealth of Australia is a capitalist self- governing federal state. New Zealand is situated south-east of Australia. The country consists of the large islands called North Island, South Island and Stewart Island and also many small islands. The population of New Zealand is over three million people. New Zealand is a capitalist self-governing state and a member of the Commonwealth.


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