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Competitiveness of the «Nestle» Company

Автор:   •  Июнь 14, 2023  •  Курсовая работа  •  10,434 Слов (42 Страниц)  •  204 Просмотры

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Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine

National Aviation University

Faculty of Economy and Business Administration

Marketing Department


discipline «Marketing»

«Competitiveness of the «Nestle» Company»

Student 2 course МА-224 Ба

Specialty: 075 «Marketing»

EPP: «Marketing» 

Yelyzaveta Pikul


Teacher: Associated Professor 

Inna Mykhalchenko


National Scale:______ 

                        Balls:        ___Mark: ECTS                

Kyiv 2021




1.1. The essence of the competitiveness of the enterprise…………………………….5

1.2. Factors influencing the competitiveness of the enterprise……………………….10

1.3. Policy to increase the competitiveness of goods in foreign markets……………..14


2.1 General organizational economic policy of «Nestle»….……………………..….20

2.2 Competitive environment of the «Nestle» ………………………………………25

2.3 Analysis of marketing activities of «Nestle»…………………………………….29

2.4 Improving the competitiveness of «Nestle» …………………………………….35





In the marketplace, the firm usually faces competition from others firms that produce and sell similar products. Each of them is usually strives to take the lead, sell as many products as possible, capture the maximum possible market share. It is based on this idea marketing strategy of a trading company. The entry of a product into the market is always associated with the entry into competition struggle. In conditions of high saturation and even oversaturation of commodities markets, excess supply over demand, each company is forced to fight hard for consumer superiority. Many products at once offer the same or different ways to meet the same need buyer on equal or slightly different price terms. In this situation consumer preference is given to the most competitive product, that is, such a product, which per unit of its value (price) satisfies more needs and at a higher level than the product of competitors. Competition - an integral part of marketing activities. The presence of a competitor on the market creates an element of competition: sellers fight for the right better meet the needs of the buyer, make him your regular customer.

The urgency of the problem. The main characteristic of the enterprise, in terms of competition is its competitiveness. It determines the viability of the enterprise, the results of its production and marketing activities in market competition. Competition forces enterprises of all forms of ownership to constantly monitor changes in supply and demand, the cost of material resources, reduce production costs, improve the quality of their products and services sold on the market, increase their competitiveness.

«Nestle-Ukraine LLC», which is a distributor and producer of «Nestle» in Ukraine, was selected for analysis in the term paper work.

The object of research is marketing activity of «Nestle».

The subject of research - the study of «Nestle» competitiveness and its products.

The purpose of the term paper – to study the competitiveness of the «Nestle», to provide recommendations for the development of the measures system of aimed to improving it.

According to the set goal in the term paper work the following are set task:

- to analyze the marketing activities of the enterprise;

- to assess the current strategic position of trade enterprises;

- to analyze the factors of the macromarketing environment for the enterprise using STEP-analysis;

- to assess the place of the researched enterprise in the market to segment the market and determine the target and potential audience.

-characterize the product sold by the analyzed company, according to the model of "three levels"

-choose and justify the marketing strategy of pricing of the researched enterprise

-determine the main sales strategies used by the company

-conduct SWOT - analyze and develop or provide recommendations for improving a particular area of ​​the enterprise.

In the economic literature, much attention is paid to the problems of development methodologies for strengthening the competitive position. These problems were considered as follows researchers as Balabanova I.V., Gradov A.P., Dykan V.L., Ivanov I.B., Azoev G.L., Smolin I.V., Ushakova N.M., Kruglov M.I. etc. These authors who studied the problem of competitive advantages of enterprises in the field of production and trade. Significant contribution to the development of the theory of competitive advantage management was made by such foreign authors as: Kotler F., Porter M., Thompson A.A. and others.



  1. The essence of the competitiveness of enterprise


The urgency of the topic is due to the fact that the interest of enterprises in the results of their activities increases the need to increase the competitiveness of products or services, which requires improving the work of all services and departments. The problem of competitiveness is universal, global. Today it affects almost all countries of the world, all producers. Timely adaptation of enterprises to competitive conditions of unstable and changing external environment should be carried out in the process of comprehensive and constant analysis of competitors, their own strategic potential and assessment of its effectiveness, as well as determining the company's position in the market of goods and services relative to competitors. Competition in its simplest form is interpreted as a competition between people, companies, organizations, territories interested in achieving one goal. The main characteristic of the enterprise, in terms of competition is its competitiveness. It determines the viability of the enterprise, the results of its production and marketing activities in market competition.


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