Постановка медицинской грелки
Автор: Diana19994 • Апрель 16, 2019 • Творческая работа • 697 Слов (3 Страниц) • 313 Просмотры
Реферат по дисциплине: английский язык
на тему
«Постановка медицинской грелки»
Подготовила: студентка гр.2ф11
Ямурзина Диана
Проверила: Тамгина Н.П
The use of medical warmer
Heater, device for local effects on any part of the body dry and warm. Application of heating pads based on painkiller and resolving the action of heat (see heat treatment). With therapeutic purposes using rubber bags (filled with hot water) with screw caps, electric cushion, chemical hand warmers (the package with a chemical compound, which when water is added is heated to a temperature of 80-90 °C). (BME)
The heater provides a dry heat and is used for local warming of individual sites and the whole body.
Varieties of medical warmers:
- rubber (water);
- electrothermal (termofor);
- chemical.
Most commonly used rubber hot water bottles of various shapes, capacity from 1 to 3 l. the Most convenient electric heating pad (thermophore), as they regulate the degree of heating and provided a constant temperature for any desired time. Chemical warmers are more convenient to use in the military field or Hiking. In the absence of a standard heating pad you can use a bottle filled with hot water or other heated object.
Mechanism of action
Medical warmer is a reflex relaxation of smooth muscles, increased blood supply to internal organs, has analgesic and resolving action. It should be remembered that the effect of the application of the pad depends not only on temperature warmer, but on the duration of its application.
Indications for use of medical warmer:
- Local warming of certain areas of the body.
- Warming the whole body.
- Relieve pain spastic character, in chronic diseases of abdominal cavity organs:
- chronic gastritis,
- chronic colitis,
- uncomplicated gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcers (by prescription) .
- When hypertensive crisis.
- Of renal colic.
- For the treatment of some chronic inflammations.
- For resorption of hematomas.
- When sciatica.
- Local inflammatory processes of the skin.
- Local inflammation of the subcutaneous tissue.
- Local inflammatory processes in the joints.
Contraindications for application of medical heating pads:
- vague abdominal pain,
- acute inflammatory processes in the abdominal cavity:
- acute appendicitis,
- acute cholecystitis,
- acute pancreatitis
- peritonitis etc.
- the first day after injury,
- skin damage
- patients with abnormal skin sensitivity,
- bleeding
- infected wounds,
- mastitis,
- thrombophlebitis;
- high fever;
- malignant neoplasms,
- patients who are unconscious,
- in the early postoperative period.
Equipment: when the use of medical rubber hot-water bottles:
- medical rubber hot-water bottle;
- hot water t= 60-70°C;
- diaper;
- water thermometer.
Execution manipulation:
- Specify did the patient previously to meet this procedure:
- if Yes, for what reason and how he suffered?
- if not, then you need to explain to the patient the essence of the procedure.
- Explain to the patient the purpose and the course of future procedure.
- Get patient consent to the procedure.
- Prepare the necessary equipment.
- Wash your hands.
- Give the patient a comfortable position
- Medical water bottles before setting it is necessary to fill with hot water for 3/4 of its volume, then gently remove the air, cork tightly wrap a heating pad turned by neck whistle leak /
- Before giving the patient a hot water bottle wrapped in a towel.
- Put a medical pad on the desired body area for 20 minutes. If necessary, prolonged use of medical warmer (according to prescription) it is advisable every 20 minutes to do a 15 minute break.
- After 5 minutes, be sure to check whether there is overheating of the tissue (bright hyperemia of the skin at the place of contact with medical hot-water bottle).
- In order to avoid burning the skin and development of skin pigmentation, especially with prolonged use of medical heating pads, applied to the skin vaseline. You must be particularly careful when setting warmer patients with impaired cutaneous sensation, weak and critically ill patients.
- Remove the heating pad in 20 minutes
- Inspect the patient's skin in contact with medical hot-water bottle.
- Ask about the health of the patient.
- Pour the water from the medical warmers and disinfect it.
- Wash your hands.
- Make a note of the procedure and patient response in medical record.
Possible problems of the patient: