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Нобелевская премия по физике 2017: гравитационные волны

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Nobel prize in physics 2017: gravitational waves

What's important?First, physicists have received another and very significant confirmation that the theory of relativity is correct and works throughout the Universe. Second, gravitational waves are a direct proof that black holes do exist, as many scientists doubted. In addition, some of these waves occurred after the Big Bang – if you learn to capture them steadily, you can learn a lot about the birth and development of our Universe.Is there any application value?Of course, a lot of proposals on how to turn this discovery into specific technologies are now being voiced in the network. People dream of creating anti-gravity engines, time machines, "wormholes" for teleportation, new means of communication and other fantastic things. But scientists rush to disconcert us: while the gravitational waves of interest only to theorists. But in the future, the study of these waves can bring unexpected and very useful results, they soothe. "The scientific significance of this discovery is enormous, as in the case of electromagnetic waves, we are fully aware of it after some time," says Valery Mitrofanov, Professor of physics at Moscow state University, head of THE Moscow group of Ligo collaborations. But electromagnetic waves are the basis of our modern civilization. Who knows-maybe this will happen with gravitational waves?

On September 14, 2015, LIGO-laser interferometric gravitational wave Observatory-for the first time recorded the oscillations of space-time known as gravitational waves. By the time the wave reached Earth, it was barely perceptible, but this weak signal meant a revolution in physics. For this revolution, the creators of the world's first device capable of recording gravitational waves were awarded the Nobel prize in physics.

All our understanding of the processes taking place in the Universe, the idea of its structure formed on the basis of the study of electromagnetic radiation, in other words — photons of all possible energies reaching our devices from the depths of space. But photon observations have their limitations: electromagnetic waves of even the highest energies do not reach us from too far regions of space.

There are other forms of radiation — neutrino flux and gravitational waves. They can tell you things they'll never see in a device that registers electromagnetic waves. In order to" see " neutrinos and gravitational waves, fundamentally new devices are needed. Three American physicists — Rainer Weiss, Kip Thorne and Barry Barrish-were awarded the Nobel prize for the creation of a gravitational wave detector and experimental proof of their existence this year.

The existence of gravitational waves is provided by the General theory of relativity and was predicted by Einstein in 1915. They arise when very massive objects collide with each other and generate perturbations of space-time, diverging from the speed of light in all directions from the place of origin.Even if the event that caused the wave is huge — for example, two black holes collided — the effect that the wave has on space-time is extremely small, so it is difficult to register it, it requires very sensitive devices.

Einstein himself believed that graviola, passing through matter, affects it so little that defies observation. Indeed, the most effect that the wave has on matter, quite difficult to catch, but you can register indirect effects. It did in 1974, the American astrophysicists, Joseph Taylor and Russell Hulse, who have measured the radiation of the dual stars of the pulsar PSR 1913+16 and proved that the variance of the period of its pulsation from the calculated due to the loss of the energy carried by the gravitational wave. For this they received the Nobel prize in physics in 1993.

Thank you for listening

Нобелевская премия по физике 2017: гравитационные волны

Что важно?Во-первых, физики получили еще одно и очень существенное подтверждение того, что теория относительности верна и работает во всей Вселенной. Во-вторых, гравитационные волны являются прямым доказательством существования черных дыр, в чем сомневались многие ученые. Кроме того, некоторые из этих волн произошли после большого взрыва – если научиться их стабильно захватывать, то можно узнать много нового о рождении и развитии нашей Вселенной.Есть ли значение приложения?Конечно, сейчас в сети озвучивается много предложений о том, как превратить это открытие в конкретные технологии. Люди мечтают создать антигравитационные двигатели, машины времени," червоточины " для телепортации, новые средства связи и другие фантастические вещи. Но ученые спешат сбить нас с толку: пока гравитационные волны интересны только теоретикам. Но в будущем изучение этих волн может принести неожиданные и очень полезные результаты, они успокаивают. "Научное значение этого открытия огромно, так как в случае с электромагнитными волнами мы через некоторое время полностью осознаем его", - говорит профессор физики Московского государственного университета, руководитель Московской группы сотрудничества Ligo Валерий Митрофанов. Но электромагнитные волны-основа нашей современной цивилизации. Кто знает-может это случится с гравитационными волнами?


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