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Контрольная работа по "Иностранному языку в сфере юриспруденции"

Автор:   •  Январь 20, 2020  •  Контрольная работа  •  603 Слов (3 Страниц)  •  407 Просмотры

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Северо-Кавказский филиал

Федерального государственного бюджетного образовательного учреждения высшего образования



Факультет подготовки специалистов для судебной системы

(юридический факультет)

Кафедра языкознания и иностранных языков



по дисциплине «Иностранный язык в сфере юриспруденции»

 «Вариант 1»


Студент 1 курса  заочной формы обучения

Научный руководитель:      


 (ученая степень, должность преподавателя)


 (ФИО преподавателя)


Дата представления работы


г. Краснодар

 2019 г.


по дисциплине «Иностранный язык»  

специальность 40.05.04 «Судебная и прокурорская деятельность»

1. Письменно переведите следующий текст на русский язык.

2. Письменно составьте пять вопросов к тексту.

Hammurabi’s Code of Laws

The sixth Babylonian king, Hammurabi is best known for the creation of the Code of Hammurabi which was one of the first written laws in the world. The Code of Hammurabi was written on a large stone monument, and placed in a public place. A carving at the top of the pillar portrays Hammurabi receiving the laws from the god Marduk, and the preface states that Hammurabi was chosen by the gods of his people to bring the laws to them. The purpose of the code may have been the self-glorification of Hammurabi, his wisdom and justice.

The Code consisted of 282 articles covering important areas of law and commerce. It contained scaled punishments depending on social status of a citizen. Under the Code, each offense received a specified punishment. The punishments were very harsh by modern standards, with many offenses resulting in death. The code is also one of the earliest examples of the idea of presumption of innocence, and it also suggests that the accused and the accuser have the opportunity to provide evidence.

The Hammurabi’s сode can be considered as the primitive form of what is now known as a constitution and an example of the fact that even a king is not able to change fundamental laws concerning the governing of a country.


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