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Контрольная работа по «Английскому языку»

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Государственное  бюджетное профессиональное образовательное учреждение

«Ленинградский областной колледж культуры и искусства»

Специальность 51.02.02 «Социально-культурная деятельность»

Вид: «Организация и постановка культурно-массовых мероприятий

 и театрализованных представлений»

Контрольная работа № 1

по дисциплине: «Английский язык»

Выполнил студент группы № 261 з

Львов Алексей Сергеевич

Преподаватель: Костыренко Н.В.


2023-2024 уч.год


Общая оценка работы:

Оценка _________________   Подпись преподавателя ____________________

              (зачтено, не зачтено)

I Make the statements and questions using the present simple or the present continuous

1) (make/lunch/she/now). She is making lunch now.

2) (my car/I/on Saturdays/wash). I wash my car on Saturdays.

3) (travel/London/every week/they)? Do they travel to London every week?

4) (I/at Oxford/study/this summer). I am studying at Oxford this summer.

5) (eat/at Christmas/fish/we). We eat fish at Christmas.

6) (you/what/do/tonight)? What are you doing tonight?

7) (where/your brother/work)? Where does your brother work?

8) (want/who/this book)? Who wants this book?

9) (land/the ship/at 10). The ship is landing at 10.

10) (at the moment/Jim and Susan/watch TV). Jim and Susan are watching TV at the moment.

II Write the complete questions to make a conversation.

Val: Did you go on holidays last year?

Nick: Yes, we went to Paris.

Val: Brilliant! Where will you stay?

Nick: At the Paris Hilton.

Val: Wow!

Nick: Yes, it's our fifth wedding anniversary.

Val: Nothing special. Saturday I am playing golf and the evening we are going to an Italian restaurant.

Nick: Have a good time!

Val: And you.

III Complete the sentences using the present simple (he works), the present continuous (he's working) or the past simple (he worked)

e.g. Yesterday I watched football on television.

Claire is writing a letter to her grandmother.

Dear Grampy,

How are you getting on? I am writing to say a big 'Thank you' for my birthday present. The CD is great and I listen to it every day on my MP3 player when I walk to work.

I'm very well. At the moment I am living with some girl friends in a flat near the city centre but it's very expensive so I am trying to find another place which doesn’t cost so much. I am looking at a flat tomorrow, ten kilometers outside the city.


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