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Контрольная работа по "Английскому языку"

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Министерство транспорта Российской Федерации

Федеральное агентство железнодорожного транспорта

Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение

высшего образования

«Дальневосточный государственный университет путей сообщения»

Кафедра «Иностранные языки и межкультурная коммуникация»



«Иностранный язык»


Хабаровск 2022


I decided on my future profession a long time ago - I always wanted to be a customs officer. I believe that it is a very important and necessary job to control those who cross the border of your state.

Customs officers are in some ways similar to border guards - they also protect their country from all kinds of dangers: terrorists, drugs and illegal weapons. I believe that customs officers help people to respect the country to which they are coming and to respect its laws and customs.

The job of a customs officer is not only important and meaningful, but also dangerous. Checking cargo, checking people in and out of a country on a daily basis can lead to dangerous situations. For this reason, they have to be physically fit, quick, agile and familiar with several weapons.

Despite this, a Customs officer must be courteous and considerate in his or her daily work. They must not lower the honour of their uniform through rudeness or bad manners. After all, a Customs officer is, in many ways, the face of the state. People coming into a country are the first customs officers they meet, the first ones by which they judge the country and its people.

Of course, a Customs officer has to be a professional in his or her job. They are a good lawyer, a security officer, a psychologist, a dog handler, a linguist. That's why, I think, you should take your education very responsibly, try to learn as much as possible, improve continuously.

It so happened that before entering the Customs affair, I had already been in the FSB for a couple of years. And to prove myself and show what I am strong-willed, responsible and physically developed employee, I had: to study criminal legislation of our country and various confidential documents relating to the activities of the Russian Federation, to temper the character during the field exercises, engage in hand-to-hand combat, shoot with different types of weapons, operate military equipment and learn much more. So, I believe with confidence, that the knowledge and the skills received during training at university, will help me on service, namely, in the future to become the officer, thereby to promote on a career ladder.

I think that in a few years all my efforts to obtain higher education will be rewarded and I will become what I dream of - a real customs officer, a good professional and a respected person.


Со своей будущей профессией я определился давно – всегда хотел быть таможенником. Я считаю, что это очень важное и нужное занятие – контролировать тех, кто пересекает границу твоего государства.
Таможенники в чем-то похожи на пограничников – они также охраняют свою страну от всяческих опасностей: террористов, наркотиков, незаконного оружия. Я считаю, что сотрудники таможни помогают людям уважать то государство, куда они приезжают, бережно относится к его законам и обычаям.


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