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Контрольная работа по "Английскому языку"

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2. Заполните пропуски глаголами, данными в скобках, преобразовав их в форму Present Continuous. Используйте информацию из грамматического справочника.

Пример: I am doing my homework. (to do)

  1. John and his friends are going  to the library now. (to go)
  2. Ann is  sitting at her desk now. (to sit) She is  studying geography. (to study)
  3. I can’t understand what language she is  speaking now. (to speak) – She  is speaking French. (to speak)
  4. Judy lives in a flat in a suburb of Lisbon with her parents, but now she living with her friends in a hostel in Belfast. (to live)
  5.  Are they speaking English now? (to speak)
  6. He is busy now. He is   reading  a book. (to read)
  7. I am wearing   school uniform now. (to wear)
  8. I am writing an exercise now. (to write)
  9. John is not drinking  coffee now.  (not to drink) He is writing an English exercise. (to write)
  10. Are they writing a composition now? (to write)

Упражнение 3. Заполните пропуски глаголами, данными в скобках, преобразовав их в форму Present Continuous. Пользуясь нижеприведённой таблицей, соотнесите предложения с ситуациями употребления данной грамматической формы (a-e).

Пример: I am preparing a report now. (ситуация a)

  1. My little brother doesn’t speak English very well. That is why he is practising it again. (to practise) d
  2. Ruth is learning  English now because she likes learning languages and she wants to impress everybody. (to learn) b
  3. You are always making snide remarks about my accent! (to make) d
  4. Nick is taking three “A” levels this summer in Maths, Physics and Computer Studies. (to take) c
  5. His teachers are not happy with his progress. They think he is spending  too much time playing his guitar and reading music magazines. (to spend) b
  6. The best part of this year is that I am leaving school at the end of term! (to leave) b
  7. Don’t disturb me. I am learning the rule. (to learn) a
  8. The sun is constantly shining there. (to shine) d
  9. My teacher  is  always shouting at me. (to shout)  d
  10. Please, stop talking. John is studying. (to study) a

Раскройте скобки, используя Past Continuous.

Пример: I was doing my homework at five o’clock yesterday. (to do)

  1. I was doing (to do) my homework the whole evening yesterday.
  2. I was writing (to write) an exercise when mother came home.
  3. I was revising  (to revise) for my exams from five till eight yesterday.
  4. I was preparing (to prepare) for an examination at six o’clock yesterday.
  5. When I was  going (to go) to school yesterday, I met Mike and Pete.
  6. You were cramming (to cram) for next week’s tests from eight to ten yesterday?
  7. What he was  doing (to do) the whole evening yesterday? – He (to read) а book.
  8. When he came in, I was doing  (to do) my exercises.
  9. We were listening (to listen) to an interesting lecture from ten to twelve yesterday.
  10. When I was  going (to go) to school, I saw a crowd of people in the street.

Упражнение 5. Заполните пропуски глаголами, данными в скобках, преобразовав их в форму Past Continuous. Пользуясь нижеприведённой таблицей, соотнесите предложения с ситуациями употребления данной грамматической формы (a-d).

Пример: I was preparing a report at six o’clock yesterday. (ситуация a)

  1. When I entered the classroom, the teacher  was writing  (to write) words on the blackboard and the pupils  was coping (to copy) them into their exercise books. d
  2. What you wete doing (to do) at seven o’clock yesterday? – I was  translating (to translate) a very long article. a
  3. When the teacher opened the door of the classroom, the pupils were sitting (to sit) at their desks. c
  4. When the teacher walked into the classroom, the boys were listening  (to listen) to pop music and the girls were eating (to eat) chips and were drining (to drink) lemonade.d
  5. He was making (to make) a report when I left the classroom. c
  6. They were translating  (to translate) a difficult text the whole evening yesterday. b
  7. She was writing (to write) a composition from five to seven yesterday. a
  1. I was studing (to study) my lessons and did not hear the telephone. B
  2. While I was learning (to learn) a lesson my sister … (to speak) to her boyfriend on the telephone. d
  3. Michael  was working  (to work) at his English while his brother … (to work) in the library. d


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