Контрольная работа по "Английскому языку"
Автор: mpfrolov • Декабрь 10, 2021 • Контрольная работа • 842 Слов (4 Страниц) • 248 Просмотры
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Economics is a science because its laws possess universal validity. Экономика – это наука, потому что ее законы (possess [pəˈzes] - обладать) обладают универсальной применимостью (???).
The science of economics is concerned with the scientific laws that relate to business administration, and attempts to formulate the principles that relate to the satisfaction of wants through the process of production and exchange. Экономическая наука (concern [kənˈsərn] – беспокойство, забота, интерес, концерн и др.) исследует (???) научные законы (предметом изучения экономической науки являются научные законы), которые имеют отношение к управлению бизнесом и пытается (attempt [əˈtem(p)t] – попытка, пробовать и др.) сформулировать принципы, которые относятся к удовлетворению потребностей через процесс производства и обмена.
Again, economics is a science because of its self-corrective nature. Опять же, экономика – это наука из-за ее само-изменяющейся природы.
It goes on revising its conclusions in the light of new facts based on observations. Она продолжает (go on – продолжать, длиться происходить) пересматривать выводы (conclusion [kənˈklo͞oZHən] – вывод, заключение, завершение, результат и др.) в свете новых фактов основанных на наблюдениях.
As a science, economics must first develop an understanding of the processes by which human desires are fulfilled. Как наука, экономика должна во-первых развивать понимание процессов, которые реализуют (fulfill [fo͝olˈfil] – выполнять, исполнять, осуществлять, удовлетворять и др.) человеческие желания/потребности (desire [dəˈzī(ə)r] – желание, желать и др.).
Second, economics must show how the causes that affect production and consumption lead to various results. Во-вторых, экономика должна показывать как причины, которые влияют на производительность и ???
Furthermore, it must draw conclusions that will serve to guide those who conduct and, in part, control economic activity.
The term economics comes from the Ancient Greek word oikonomia, which means “management of a household, administration”.
There have been many definitions of economics in the past.
The earliest definitions envisaged economics as the study of wealth and the older name for economics was “political economy”.
Later economics was defined as “the practical science of the production and distribution of wealth”.
Current economic models emerged from the broader field of political economy.
At the turn of the 19th century economists defined economics as a study of man’s actions in the ordinary business of life.
At that time economics focused on how men got their incomes and used them.
In recent years economists have invaded the territory once claimed exclusively by political scientists and sociologists.
Today economics is a social science.
Like the other social sciences, such as psychology, it examines and explains human behavior and interaction.
But economics deals directly with only a tiny fraction of the whole spectrum of human behavior.
It is the study of how people and society choose to employ scarce productive resources, which could have alternative uses, to produce various commodities and distribute them for consumption.