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Контрольная работа по "Английскому языку"

Автор:   •  Ноябрь 12, 2021  •  Практическая работа  •  2,681 Слов (11 Страниц)  •  179 Просмотры

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Переведите предложения на Русский язык, обращая внимание на употребление модального глагола - can (could).


1. I am anxious about her. She cannot be taking a walk so late.

2. Could you let me know about her meeting?

3. I wonder where she is. She cannot be sleeping all this time.

4. You cannot have done it. I don’t believe it.

5. He cannot be in the street now. It’s pouring.

6. She can take her examination in next June.

7. I don’t believe him. It can’t be so!

8. Could you give me your notes on Theory of State and Law for a day or two?

9. We can choose our profession according our taste.

10. I can memorize many words at once.

11. He can’t walk so quickly.

1. Я беспокоюсь за нее.  Она не может так поздно гулять.

 2. Не могли бы вы сообщить мне о ее встрече?

 3. Интересно, где она.  Она не может все это время спать.

 4. Вы не могли этого сделать.  Я не верю в это.

 5. Он не может сейчас находиться на улице.  Льет как из ведра.

 6. Она может сдать экзамен в июне следующего года.

 7. Я ему не верю.  Не может быть!

 8. Не могли бы вы дать мне свои заметки по теории государства и права на день или два?

 9. Мы можем выбрать профессию по своему вкусу.

 10. Я могу запомнить сразу много слов.

 11. Он не может так быстро ходить.

Exercise 2


Заполните пропуски в предложениях, используя модальные глаголы:

can (could) или be able to (смочь, быть в состоянии, быть способным  

сделать что-то)


1. She …. (not to forget) what had happened the day before.

2. … you (to work) all this time without any break?

3. He wasn’t old. He …. (not to be) more than forty.

4. I simply …. (not to refuse). They would have been hurt.

5. Of course, there were many things I …. (to answer) to this. But I kept silent.

6. How …. she (to work) in the garden now? It is already dark.

7. He …. (to see) that everything in the flat was in full of order.

8. Such problems …. (to solve) easily.

9. I …. (to help) him but I didn’t know he needed help.

10. I wonder where she is. She …. (not to stay) at her friends all this time.

11. …. I (to come) in for a moment?

12. He hated himself for his behavior , but …. (to do) nothing to alter it.

1. She could (not to forget) what had happened the day before. 

2. Could you (to work) all this time without any break?

3. He wasn’t old. He can(not to be) more than forty.

4. I simply can’t (not to refuse). They would have been hurt.

5. Of course, there were many things I can (to answer) to this. But I kept silent.

6. How to be able she (to work) in the garden now? It is already dark.

7. He could (to see) that everything in the flat was in full of order.

8. Such problems can (to solve) easily.

9. I could (to help) him but I didn’t know he needed help.

10. I wonder where she is. She couldn’t (not to stay) at her friends all this time.

11. Can I (to come) in for a moment?

12. He hates himself for his behavior , but couldn't (to do) nothing to alter it.

Exercise 3

Перепишите следующие предложения, используя:

cannot, (can’t)


Образец: I don’t believe it is his fault. – It can’t be his fault.


1. It is impossible that she has told a lie.

2. I don’t think she was angry with a sick child.

3. He doesn’t believe that his two friends have betrayed him.

4. I can’t believe that he has forgotten to post her letter.

5. I can’t believe that he has left without saying good-bye to us.

6. It is impossible that she is fifteen. She looks much older.

7. I don’t believe it is a joke.

8. I don’t think she is good at languages. She has always had a bad ear and no memory for word.

1. She cannot lie.

2. She cannot be angry with a sick child.

3. He cannot believe that his two friends have betrayed him.

4. I can’t believe that he has forgotten to post her letter.

5. I  cannot tbelieve that he has left without saying good-bye to us.

6. It can is impossible that she is fifteen. She looks much older.


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