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Контрольная работа по "Английскому языку"

Автор:   •  Сентябрь 30, 2021  •  Контрольная работа  •  568 Слов (3 Страниц)  •  898 Просмотры

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Контрольная работа № 11

Переведите предложения.

1. Им понадобилось два месяца, чтобы возместить ущерб.

2. Она понаблюдала, как новый сотрудник общался с клиентами.

3. Менеджер намеренно пришел пораньше, чтобы убедиться, что все было готово.

4. Я слышал, что инженеры обсуждали способы улучшить качество прибора.

5. Чтобы улучшить моральный настрой сотрудников, они решили организовать вечеринку.

6. Как они могут быть такими некомпетентными?

7. Говорят, что она пишет сейчас книгу о проблемах качества.

8. Кажется, она пишет ее с прошлого года.

9. Известно, что она ее уже написала.

10. Вероятно, что она опубликует ее вскоре.

1. It took them two months to recover the damage.

2. She observed how the new employee interacted with customers.

3. The manager purposely came in early to make sure everything was ready.  

4. I heard engineers discussing ways to improve the quality of the device.

5. To improve the morale of the employees, they decided to organize a party.

6. How can they be so incompetent?

7. They say that she is now writing a book about quality problems.

8. I think she's been writing it since last year.

9. It is known that she has already written it.

10. It is probable that she will publish it soon.

Выберите подходящий по смыслу вариант ответа.

  1. We … we have a need to learn the Russian retail market to continue these business relationships.
  1. produce
  2. adopt
  3. recognize
  1. Our company was the most technologically advanced and received the highest … score in this category.
  1. decade
  2. quality assurance
  3. impact
  1. … of the quality products will make us the leaders of chocolate production.
  1. Impact
  2. Improvement
  3. Proclaim
  1. ISO 9000 provides a set of … for a quality management system.
  1. goals
  2. benefits
  3. requirements
  1. Our authorities agreed to … the ISO 9000 to enter the European market.
  1. take up
  2. impact
  3. stock
  1. Customers must hurry, … of our high quality products are limited.
  1. benefit
  2. productivity
  3. stocks
  1. The Japanese … the philosophy of  W. Edwards Deming.
  1. demonstrated
  2. adopted
  3. proclaimed
  1. These  machines  considerably  increase  the  …  of        labour  and, properly speaking, very cheap.
  1. productivity
  2. improvement
  3. decade
  1. … of our goods is too low, because we spend little money to produce them.
  1. Production
  2. Production cost
  3. Quality assurance
  1. The …  of  this  process  is  increasing  of productivity and improvement of the products quality.
  1. decade
  2. proclamation
  3. cornerstone
  1. The Japanese started to improve the goods quality … of the economic crisis all over the world.
  1. regardless
  2. unless
  3. decade
  1. In the 1950s they created the doctrine that … the recognition of the customer’s desires and demands.
  1. enhances
  2. proclaims
  3. lowers
  1. We suggest the lowest … for clothes in our region.
  1. prices
  2. impacts
  3. decades
  1. If you get this job, you will have such … as health assurance and 52 days leave.
  1. goals
  2. decisions
  3. benefits
  1. The … of TQM doctrine took up it in the 80s in the USA.
  1. customers
  2. proponents
  3. inventors
  1. Being in the European market for many years, our company … the high quality of its goods.
  1. proved
  2. adopted
  3. stocked
  1. High quality of the customer service … on the reputation of the company and its profits.
  1. proclaims
  2. regards
  3. has impact

Вставьте нужный предлог:

  1. Our company has demonstrated … the Ural region that our goods are the best quality.
  1. to
  2. at
  3. by
  1. First of all, the authority of our plant pay attention … the workers, their work conditionals and salaries.
  1. to
  2. on
  3. at
  1. We decided to participate … the International Conference on the improving the customer service quality.
  1. at
  2. in
  3. by


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