Контрольная работа по "Английскому языку"
Автор: Анна Гагарина • Июнь 15, 2021 • Контрольная работа • 1,487 Слов (6 Страниц) • 212 Просмотры
Федеральное государственное бюджетное общеобразовательное учреждение
высшего образования
“Новосибирский государственный медицинский университет
Министерства здравоохранения Российской Федерации”
(ФГБОУ ВО НГМУ Минздрава России)
Кафедра иностранного языка
Контрольная работа
Выполнила: студентка 1 курса
Направления подготовки: Фармация СПО
Гагарина Анна Александровна
Проверила: Токарева Лариса Владимировна
Новосибирск 2021
1. Oxygen is a most interesting as well as useful substance. We depend upon it for life as in its absence we suffocate; for heat because wood, coal and gas do not burn without it; and for light when oil, gas, or a candle is used.
2. Nearly 50% of a terrestrial matter is oxygen. Water contains about 80 % , the human body over 60 % , and common materials like sandstone, brick, limestone more than 50 % of this element. One-fifth by volume (nearly one-fourth by weight) of the air is free oxygen.
It is known that oxygen is a colourless gas, without taste or odour. Compared with hydrogen, the lightest of all gases, however, it is nearly 16 times as heavy. It can be liquefied by compression, provided its temperature is first brought down below - 118 o (its critical temperature). The critical temperature of a gas is the temperature below which it must be cooled before it can be liquefied by any pressure, no matter how great.
3. Oxygen dissolves slightly in water: 3 volumes of oxygen in 100 volumes of water at 200.. This solubility of oxygen in water is, in some ways, its most important physical property. Fish obtain the oxygen for their blood from that dissolved in the water. Man (and breathing animals) cannot take oxygen of the air into the system, if it does not first dissolve in the moisture contained in the walls of the air sacs of the lungs, and then pass inward in a dissolved state to the blood.
4. Liquid oxygen has a pale- blue tint. In an open vessel (that is, at the pressure of one atmosphere) its boiling point is 182.50. When more strongly cooled, it freezes to a snow-like solid.
5. In chemical work there are only six physical properties usually mentioned for each gas: colour, odour, taste, density (referred to some common gas such as air, oxygen, or hydrogen as a standard), liquefiability (whether it is easy or difficult; with oxygen it is difficult), defined by the critical temperature, solubility (usually in water only).
6. All the familiar metals (excepting silver, gold, and platinum) combine , when heated, with oxygen to give oxides. Compound substances, if they are composed of elements which combine with oxygen, are able themselves to interact with oxygen. Usually, they produce a mixture of the same oxides which each element separately would give. For example: carbon disulphide burns readily, giving carbon dioxide and sulphur dioxide, just as carbon and sulphur, separately.
1. Прочтите текст и выпишите ключевые слова и словосочетания.
1. Oxygen, useful substance, absence, suffocate, for heat, for light.
2. One-fifth by volume, air, free oxygen, oxygen, gas, without taste or odour, lightest, can be liquefied, temperature, cooled, liquefied.
3. Oxygen dissolves slightly in water, its most important physical property, fish, oxygen, blood, dissolved in the water, man, oxygen of the air, system, dissolve in the moisture, inward in a dissolved, blood.
4. Liquid oxygen, tint, open vessel, its boiling, strongly cooled, freezes.
5. In chemical work, gas, physical properties.
6. metals, with oxygen, oxides, compound substances, with oxygen, a mixture, oxides.
2. Прочтите предложения и укажите, соответствуют ли они содержанию текста:
а)We don’t depend upon oxygen for life-) мы не зависим от кислорода для жизни (нет)
b) Oxygen is a colourless gas, without taste or smell- кислород-бесцветный газ, без вкуса и запаха. (да)
c) It can be liquefied by fusion-) он может быть сжижен плавлением. (да)
d) Fish obtain the oxygen for their blood from that dissolved in the water- рыба получает кислород для своей крови из того, что растворено в воде. (да)
e) In an open vessel the boiling point of oxygen is 2000- в открытом сосуде температура кипения кислорода равна 200град. (нет)
f) Compound substances aren’t able themselves to interact with oxygen- сложные вещества сами по себе не способны взаимодействовать с кислородом (нет)
g) In chemical work there are only four physical properties usually mentioned for each gas- в химической работе обычно упоминаются только четыре физических свойства для каждого газа. (нет)
3. Выберите другое название для данного текста, которое более точно выражает основное содержание текста.
а) самое интересное и полезное вещество- The most interesting and useful substance.
б) газ с важными физическими свойствами- A gas with important physical properties.
в) Взаимодействие с кислородом- Interaction with oxygen.
г) только шесть физических свойств кислорода- Only six physical properties of oxygen..
4. Прочтите текст и найдите в каждой части по одному предложению, передающему основную мысль этой части.