Контрольная работа по "Английскому языку"
Автор: Lilya45 • Март 17, 2019 • Контрольная работа • 362 Слов (2 Страниц) • 426 Просмотры
Variant 26
- Дайте полную артикуляционную характеристику 5 гласных. Укажите их дистинктивные признаки.
- Дайте полную артикуляционную характеристику 5 согласных. Укажите их дистинктивные признаки.
- Выберите 3 фонемы и опишите все их аллофоны, встречающиеся в тексте.
- Найдите в тексте примеры 3 оппозиций и охарактеризуйте их с позиций теории Н. С. Трубецкого.
- Выберите 5 слов из текста, проанализируйте их слоговую структуру и объясните случаи коартикуляции звуков.
- Выберите 5 слов из текста и прокомментируйте постановку ударения в них.
- Выберите 3 фразы из текста, покажите в транскрипции основные различия в произношении между вариантами (диалектами) английского языка, прокомментируйте изменения гласных, согласных, компонентов просодии.
Georgia lay on her back in the dark, tears seeping out of the corners of her eyes and trickling down into her ears. She was clutching the flying horse. She had never been as unhappy as this. Even when her baby brother had died and her dad had disappeared and her mum had cried all the time, Georgia had not been miserable herself. She had been a kid then and more concerned about whether there would be cake at tea-time and what to call the new doll Mum had given her when Ben was born.
But now her life was a nightmare. She had few friends at school; most of the girls she had known at primary school seemed to have moved on in their lives. There was only one new girl, Alice, who seemed as if she might turn into a real friend. Russell was right in a way – Georgia was retarded, socially. She didn’t get asked to parties and she knew that the incrowd in her class went to pubs and clubs at the weekends – places she would never have got into. Even with make-up and a short skirt and heels and a top that showed her belly button. In the dark, Georgia managed a small smile at the thought.
And life at home had turned into one stratagem after the other to avoid Russell. But now keeping out of his way wasn’t enough. He was actively seeking her out, never happy unless he was tormenting her. She simply couldn’t carry on like this. If Mum wouldn’t help her, she would have to run away.