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Проект коксовой батареи

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Министерство образования и науки Республики Казахстан ТОО «Высший колледж АРЕС PetroTechnic»


И.о. зам.директор по учебной

и производственной работе

_______________Бисембаева Г.Е.

«______»_____________ 20__ г.


По дисциплине: «Химическая технология топлива и углеводородных материалов»

На тему: «Проект коксовой батареи»

Выполнил: студент группы ТХИ 1-18 (Б) Киясова Зарина Бауыржановна

Проверила: инструктор Темирханова Гулден Ерлановна

Министерство образования и науки Республики Казахстан

 ТОО «Высший колледж АРЕС PetroTechnic»


И.о. зам.директор по учебной

и производственной работе

_______________Бисембаева Г.Е.

«______»_____________ 20__ г.



на выполнение курсовой работы

по дисциплине: Химическая технология топлива и углеводородных материалов

Студенту (ке)  Киясова Зарина Бауыржановна

Группы ТХИ 1-18 Б

Специальности Технология химического инжиниринга

Тема работы    Проект коксовой батареи

Дата выдачи задания    

Срок сдачи студентом завершенной работы    

Ф.И.О., Темирханова Гулден Ерлановна

Руководитель (подпись)                                             Дата

Студент (подпись)                                                     Дата



  1. Purpose and characteristics of coke oven battery No. 7
  2. Description of the heating system of coke oven battery № 7
  3. Description of gas supply fittings for coke oven battery No. 7
  4. Control of coke oven battery heating
  1. Calculation of material balance of coal charge for coking
  2. Calculation of the thermal balance of coking
  3. Calculation of the amount of gas for heating the coke  oven battery




Coke-chemical production is one of the related branches of metallurgical and chemical industries. The main task of coke production is to improve the quality of coke, especially its mechanical properties and granulometric composition. Coke in a blast furnace is used to produce high temperature and as a reducing agent for iron oxides. Therefore, along with the requirements for minimum content of harmful impurities in the organic matter of coke, the requirements for strength and uniformity of its pieces are continuously increasing.

Arcelor Mittal's coke-chemical production was established in 1990. Initially it was planned to build four coke batteries, PK-2K system with capacity of 461000 t/year of coke, coal preparation, coal preparation plants with capacity of 700000 t/h, chemical recovery shops for coking products and biochemical unit for water treatment. The first coke battery with coal preparation and recovery shop was put into operation on February 13, 1992. The second coke battery was also built in 1992 and the third one - in 1994. The first stage of development was completed in December 19 with the commissioning of the fourth coke oven battery.

In 1995 the fifth and in 1998 the sixth coke batteries of the PVR system with 30 m3 chamber volume and a total capacity of 1380 thousand tonnes of coke were built. Simultaneously with commissioning of coke battery No.6 coal processing plant No.2 was put into operation. In 1964 a crude benzene rectification shop with a capacity of 50000 t/year was built.

With the commissioning of coke batteries No. 5-6, coke production at Cherepovets Steel Mill reached 3.2 mln t/year.

The third stage of development of the coke plant began in 1999, it was decided to build a coke block of four coke batteries with a volume of 32.2 m3 with a capacity of 730 thousand tons of coke per year. At the same time

The coal processing capacity was expanded, the Central Coal Treatment Plant-2 was built, and a new biochemical wastewater treatment plant was constructed. The complex had certain peculiarities. Only dry coke quenching was envisaged.

Coke batteries No. 7-8 were commissioned in 2000 and No. 9-10 in 2001. Concurrently with the construction of the batteries the coal preparation and processing capacities were increased.

Simultaneously with the construction of new shops, the existing ones were reconstructed, with all innovations necessarily extended to them as well. The plant was preparing for the start-up of the fifth blast furnace with a volume of 5,500 m3. To provide blast furnace workers with coke, taking into account the renewal of aging fixed assets, new capacities were needed, it was decided to build the eleventh coke battery with a capacity of 1710 thousand tons of coke per year.


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