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Sanatorium application

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По предмету «Языки программирования 1»

На тему: «Санаторий»

Руководитель: ст.преп. Кибекбаев А.________________________

Консультант по английскому языку: ст.преп. Жээналиева А._____

Нормоконтроль: ст.преп. Турганов К.Б._______________________

Выполнили ст.гр AIN-3-21 Сыргабаев А.А.___________________

                                                                   Жумалев Н._______________________

                                                                   Бегалиева Г.М.____________________

                                                                   Катаганова Э.И.___________________

Бишкек 2021


Introduction        3

Team Roles:        3

General introduction to the Sanatorium application        4

Structure of the Sanatorium application        5

Creating an account for a new customer        5

Client options        6

New employee of the sanatorium        7

Staff Options        8

Software component        9

Database structure        9

Linking tables with users        18

Linking tables with procedures        19

Linking Patient and Procedure Tables        20

Linking between client and patient tables        20

Code        23

Login        23

Manager menu        25

Client menu        30

Staff menu        33

CONCLUSION        37

References        37


  • Subject: Program Languages. As students of of group AIN-1-20, we are asked to produce and invent program that will do “Accounting of money in relations with banks” as our coursework assignment.  Our group was tasked to work as a team in order to produce the project.
  • Our group was created randomly by our teacher.
  • We made out work-plan, weekly assigned plans, each team member provided a report of the work that was done and we also set up Charter (attachment below)

Team Roles:

Amir Syrgabaev:

  • System Architect
  • Lead Implementer
  • System Architect

Nursultan Dzhumaliev:

  • Documentation
  • System Architect
  • Responsible for translate (from Russian to English)

Phase of Progress and Minutes of Planning.

Table 1. Schedule

[pic 1]

Architectural Goals and Constraints

Several system requirements and system constraints were produced:


  • Patient's ability to view scheduled procedures
  • The ability of staff to view assigned consultations
  • Ability to create a new account for patient and staff

General introduction to the Sanatorium application

The "Sanatorium" application is a software to facilitate communication between clients and the staff of the sanatorium. Thanks to the "Sanatorium" application, the client is able to view the treatments that have been arranged for a particular day, the staff can view which patients they have treatments for.

         Structure of the Sanatorium application

Creating an account for a new customer

        A potential client of a health resort is referred to the health resort's reception area. A medical examination is carried out there, and a health resort treatment program is drawn up according to the results of the examination and contraindications. This is usually the end of the client's registration to the sanatorium. However, in order to facilitate the stay in the sanatorium, the manager of the sanatorium creates a patient account of the sanatorium, for which the manager himself must log in to his account.

[pic 2]

Pic 1. Login

When creating an account for a client, the manager enters the client's name and selects a course of spa treatment, which the vacationer himself chose.

[pic 3]

Pic 2. Manager menu

Client options

The patient receives his login and password, with which he logs in to his account in the application "Sanatorium".

[pic 4]

Pic. 3 Login

After logging into the account, the client sees the user menu, where he chooses to see the treatments delivered for the current day or for a specific day. [pic 5]

Pic 4. Client menu

The patient, by entering the desired date, receives a list of procedures.

[pic 6]

Pic 5. Login

New employee of the sanatorium

        When a new attendant comes to the sanatorium, an account is also created for him, which is also the task of the manager.

[pic 7]

Pic 6. Adding a user

When creating an account, the manager chooses the role of staff from the presented possible.

Staff Options

        The new member of the sanatorium staff receives his/her login and password, with which he/she logs in to his/her account in the Sanatorium application. In the staff menu, the employee is able to view which patients are assigned to him/her on a certain day; to do this, he/she needs to enter the desired date.


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