Экономическая интеграция как фактор роста экономики страны
Автор: Anastasia802 • Февраль 26, 2022 • Статья • 809 Слов (4 Страниц) • 303 Просмотры
УДК 339.924
Берёзкина Анастасия Денисовна,
студентка ФГБОУ ВО «Российский экономический университет им. Г.В. Плеханова», (г. Москва)
В статье анализируется влияние интеграции на экономический рост и развитие национальной экономики. Рассматривается взаимосвязь системной интеграции и устойчивого роста экономики.
Ключевые слова: экономика; экономическая интеграция; фактор роста экономики; инновационное развитие.
Berezkina A.D.,
student of Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, (Moscow)
The article analyses the influence of integration on the economic growth and development of the national economy. It considers the interconnection of the system integration and sustainable growth of the economy.
Keywords: economy; economic integration; factor of economic growth; innovation development.
Course on innovative development, economic growth and modernization of the economy introduces significant changes in all spheres of economic life, leads to a change of major competitive advantages that allow business entities to survive in modern conditions.
In the modern economy several interrelated processes can be highlighted: economic growth, modernization, economic development and economic integration, leading to the development of each other.
In most cases, defining the concept of economic growth, the authors of the various works indicate dynamics of changes in the volume of GDP over a certain time interval [1]. Economic development is usually understood as a change in the composition, interposition and interaction of the elements, the level and quality of functioning economic system [2]. With regard to integration, in the scientific literature, there are various definitions of the economic categories. The most common: "integration of economic entities, the deepening of their interaction, the development of relations between them. Integration is manifested in the expansion and deepening of industrial and technological ties, the sharing of resources, the pooling of capital, creating favorable conditions for each other economic activities, withdrawal mutual barriers [3].
Integration, regardless of the level at which it occurs, on a par with such generally recognized factors of growth as scientific and technical progress, capital, investment in human capital, has a pronounced direction of influence and, while respecting its main principle - mutual benefit - promotes economic growth.
Assuming the absence of integration, in the medium and long term, the economy will not grow, but there is a possibility of falling growth rates. This is due to the fact that the manufactured goods (services) will be exchanged exclusively on the domestic market within the national territory. The economy will gradually become closed. At the same time, the offer will not find additional demand; the new needs of the population will not be met by existing factors of production. As a result, there will be a shortage of new products, which will lead to a decrease in the level and quality of life of society. Subsequently, there will be a slowdown in economic growth.