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Химический состав нефти

Автор:   •  Февраль 28, 2023  •  Сочинение  •  546 Слов (3 Страниц)  •  179 Просмотры

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Отделение разработки, эксплуатации нефтяных и газовых месторождений

Направление подготовки: Нефтегазовое дело

Профиль: Бурение нефтяных и газовых скважин

Дисциплина: Иностранный (английский) язык

Тема: «Химический состав нефти»

Выполнил: студент группы

 ОРБв-21-01 Пчелинцев К.С

                                                                                             Проверил: к.п.н, доцент

                                                                            Вавилова Е.О.

Оренбург 2023

Good morning. My name is Kirill Pchelintsev and I am a student of the ORBv-21-21 group. My goal for this morning to give a presentation, and discuss this with all of you. The topic of my presentation is "The chemical composition of oil"

First, I'll start with a definition. Oil - is a natural oily combustible liquid, with a specific odor, consisting mainly of carbohydrates of various molecular weights and some other food compounds involved in a mixture.

The chemical composition of oil

•        By chemical composition, oil is a mixture of various hydrocarbons, sulfur, oxygen and nitrogen compounds. The composition of oil includes hydrocarbons of three classes: paraffinic, naphthenic and aromatic. Petroleum products may contain, sometimes in significant quantities, unsaturated hydrocarbons formed during the refining of oil and petroleum products.

Oil deposit

•        An oil field is a collection of several (sometimes one) oil deposits in a certain area. It usually takes several hundred kilometers; oil wells are used for production, which are built in the process of drilling.


•        elemental chemical composition - the relative content of individual elements: C, H, O, N, S; fractional composition - the content of oil compounds that boil away in certain temperature ranges; material composition - the content of hydrocarbons, heteroatomic and resinous-asphalten compounds;

•        elemental chemical composition - the relative content of individual elements: C, H, O, N, S; fractional composition - the content of oil compounds that boil away in certain temperature ranges; material composition - the content of hydrocarbons, heteroatomic and resinous-asphalten compounds;

Oil refining

•        The purpose of oil refining (petroleum refining) is the production of petroleum products, primarily various types of fuel (automobile, aviation, boiler, etc.) and raw materials for subsequent chemical processing.


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