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Тенденции современности на примере Компьютерной лингвистики

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Тенденции современности на примере Компьютерной лингвистики

Сарыбаева Айрин Алишеровна


Жалал-Абадского государственного


Жалал-Абад, Кыргызстан


Аннотация: В статье рассказывается об uспользованuu uнформацuонных технологuй (точнее, компьютера) в областu лuнгвuстuкu, uсторuu uх развuтuя u прuмененuя на практuке. Опuсывается uнтеграцuя новых uнформацuонных технологuй u традuцuонных методов в областu лuнгвuстuкu. В статье также рассматривается формирование новой системы образования, нацеленной на выход в мировое информационно-образовательное пространство. Использование информационных технологий в образовательной сфере считается неоднозначным: у информатизации образования есть как сильные, так и слабые стороны. Современные информационные технологии рассматриваются как интенсивный механизм, открывающий новые возможности как в образовательной сфере, так и в области научных исследований. Автор считает, что компьютерная лингвистика- это не только новые технические средства, но и новые формы и методы обучения, новый подход к процессу обучения и воспитания. В статье выявлены эффективность использования информационных технологий и интернет-ресурсов и принципы создания образовательного программного обеспечения для информационных технологий в учебном процессе в рамках данной дисциплины, способствующие развитию мотивации учебной деятельности студентов.

Ключевые слова: uнформатuка, лuнгвuстuка, проблемы англuйского языка, междyнародные стандарты англuйского языка, общенuе, перевод с одного языка на дрyгой, грамматuка, технологuu, современность, глобалuзацuя.

Modern tendencies on the example of computational linguistics

Sarybaeva Airin Alisherovna

Jalal-Abad State university

 undergraduate student

Jalal-Abad, Kyrgyzstan


Abstract: The article describes the use of information technologies (more precisely, a computer) in the field of linguistics, the history of their development and their application in practice. The integration of new information technologies and traditional approaches in the field of linguistics is described. The article also examines the formation of a new education system aimed at entering the world information and educational space. The use of information technologies in the educational sphere is considered controversial: the informatization of education has both strengths and weaknesses. Modern information technologies are viewed as an intensive mechanism that opens up new opportunities both in the educational sphere and in the field of scientific research. The author believes that computational linguistics is not only new technical means, but also new forms and methods of teaching, a new approach to the process of teaching and upbringing. The article reveals the effectiveness of using information technologies and Internet resources and the principles of creating educational software for information technologies in the educational process within this discipline, contributing to the development of motivation for students' educational activities.

Key words: computational linguistics, problems of the English language, international standard of the English language, communication, translation from one language to another, grammar, technology, modernity, globalization.

Now is the time of technology, so the development of any branch of science is impossible without the use of technology. We have all become convinced that modern technologies make our life easier, just as in the field of linguistics, with the help of technology, great progress can be made. We will consider this using the example of computational linguistics.

Computational linguistics is, in fact, an applied field, that is, it is a set of tasks that we can solve by processing languages, texts created in a particular language using a computer. Here the simplest answer to the question “Why is it needed?” Is because commercial companies are more invested in computational linguistics than ever before, and what is now called a commercial product turns out.

The difference between traditional methods of natural language processing and computational linguistics lies in the fact that the former focuses on modeling everything that linguistics studies in general, while the latter focuses on building mathematical models capable of describing natural languages ​​[4]. The main task of computational linguistics can be formulated as the construction of models and the corresponding algorithms and programs for automatic text processing. What can computers do thanks to computational linguistics? They know how to understand what kind of word is in front of them. This is not such a simple question, because, it would seem, a word and a word, but in Russian, words can be inflected and look a little different in different cases. How to explain to a computer that these are the same word and not different? There are several ways to do this. One of the first, long understood, the most laborious and, perhaps, not always effective, is the method of rules. It consists in the fact that we take some rules and tell the computer that everything in the language is arranged this way and not otherwise. But, unfortunately, it is impossible to describe the whole diversity of the language by rules, and therefore various errors arise. But problems of this kind, which are called automatic morphology, have been mostly solved, and they still provide some basis for more complex issues that are now being developed and, probably, will be solved in the future. It must be said that, of course, people have been engaged in computational linguistics for a long time, from the very moment computers appeared, but there was no need to make something practical out of this until very recently. This is primarily due to the fact that computational linguistics is able to work only with those texts that exist in electronic form. The really large volumes of electronic texts available to the computer appeared relatively recently. It is clear that with the advent of the Internet, with the massive spread of consumer computer devices, many people began to write something, and thus the Internet began to be filled with texts.


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