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Практическое задание по "Иностранному языку"

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федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение высшего образования

«Тольяттинский государственный университет»

Институт финансов, экономики и управления

(наименование института полностью)

Экономические и управленческие программы

(Наименование учебного структурного подразделения)

38.03.01 Экономика

(код и наименование направления подготовки / специальности)

Бухгалтерский учет, анализ и аудит

(направленность (профиль) / специализация)


по учебному курсу «Иностранный язык 4»

                                           (наименование учебного курса)

Вариант ____ (при наличии)


Куприяновой Е.А.

(И.О. Фамилия)




Москалюк А.В.

(И.О. Фамилия)

Тольятти 2023

Проверяемые задания

Проверяемое задание 1

Тема «Work, rest and meeting people».

Cedar Avenue 44

97141 Oregon

Arcadia Bay


19th  September

Dear Rich,

Thank you for your letter!

Everyone in the company misses you very much and asks how you are doing. You shouldn't forget old friends. I'm glad you're doing well. Congratulations on getting a new job!

I recently started learning Chinese. It's so difficult! But I really like it and it's interesting. I try to watch movies in Chinese, but so far I don't understand much. As far as I know, your grandmother is Chinese. You should to introduce me to her, I want to ask her a lot. Why don’t you?

Таmsin says hi to you and Victoria – she is playing with the children now. She also misses you, Victoria and the children so we'll be happy to come to see you soon.

Anyway, that’s all the news for you. Take care and write back soon.

Best wishes,


P.S. I'll be glad to meet you for dinner at the end of October. See you soon!

Проверяемое задание 2

Тема «Work, rest and meeting people»

The best way to find a job

Currently, few young professionals who have just received higher education can find a decent job, not to mention a job in their specialty. This can be done only by the most "brisk" and talented. And the rest have to work where they manage to get a job.

There are several ways to find a job. Firstly, you can also look for a job through newspaper or magazine ads. To begin with, it is worth choosing exactly those publications that are suitable for this. Of course, it is better if these are specialized newspapers or magazines that are viewed by the relevant audience.

Secondly, you can find out from your friends and acquaintances who work whether there are any vacancies in their company for the position you want. If there are any, you can send your resume and maybe you will be accepted for this position.

Thirdly, it is possible to find a job through state employment centers and job fairs held by them. There are always a lot of free jobs here. However, in most cases these are working specialties, or vacancies with low wages. For a young specialist, a more productive way to find a job is through job fairs held directly at the university.

Fourth, job search through recruitment agencies. Guarantees of a recruitment agency are the supervision of an agency specialist, if it is impossible to find a job under certain conditions, the agreed amount is returned to the customer, etc.

And fifth, in modern society, the Internet is very developed, where you can easily find a huge number of ads with suitable requirements for you. There are many websites, as well as mobile applications for job search. You post your resume and employers can view it and if they are interested in you, they will contact you. Just as you can consider various vacancies and respond to them.

Проверяемое задание 3

Тема «Beginnings and start-ups»

Dear Katy,

Sorry I didn't reply to any of your emails I only checked today, though. Last week was a busy week. What’s more, it was very exciting.

Congratulations on your wedding, I am very happy for you and Ollie! I knew it would happen sooner or later. I will be happy to help you with choosing a wedding dress!

I had a very interesting story. On Tuesday, I was returning home from work around 8 pm. It was raining heavily outside and it was terribly cold. I was already approaching my house and heard a plaintive meowing from the side. Following the sound, I found a kitten sitting in the rain. He was soaked and shivering. Without thinking twice, I took it for myself. The next day we went to the vet to make sure that the kitten was healthy. At first I wanted to send him to a shelter, but I couldn't. Now we have a new family member! This is a boy and we named him Cloud, because his fur is snow-white, like a cloud. I look forward to your next visit to me to introduce you!


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