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34 life Бесплатные рефераты: 26 - 34

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Последнее обновление: Декабрь 23, 2021
  • Technology in your life

    Technology in your life

    REPORT Technology in your life Performed by: Kayirzhanov Alzhan Checked by: Kalelova I.M Technology in your life I. Introduction II. Current Technological Landscape III. Trends Shaping the Future IV. Impact on Individuals V. Impact on Society VI. Challenges and Opportunities VII. Conclusion VIII. List of used literature I. Introduction In our rapidly advancing technological age, it's crucial to explore the ever-growing impact of technology on our daily lives. As we navigate through an era of

    Размер документа: 404 Слов / 2 Страниц
    Отправлено: Ноябрь 25, 2023 Автор: 773zk
  • Sport in human life. Life hacks for students about healthy lifestyle

    Sport in human life. Life hacks for students about healthy lifestyle

    ҚОЖА АХМЕТ ЯССАУИ АТЫНДАҒЫ ҚАЗАҚ-ТҮРІК УНИВЕРСИТЕТІ Тақырып: Sport in human life. Life hacks for students about healthy lifestyle Қабылдаған: Молдир Киздарбекова Орындаған:Қалдыбай Ердаулет Топ: МДШ-312 One of the foundations for ensuring a healthy lifestyle of students is to increase the role and effectiveness of physical education classes in higher educational institutions. This is very important, because recently there have been rapidly changing conditions of our life: psychological, physical, environmental and others. Студенческий спорт - основа

    Размер документа: 1,616 Слов / 7 Страниц
    Отправлено: Ноябрь 26, 2023 Автор: Sayat Sayat
  • My Daily Life in KazNU

    My Daily Life in KazNU

    My Daily Life in KazNU KazNU, or Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, is a prominent higher education institution in Kazakhstan. Being a student at this prestigious university has transformed my daily life in numerous ways. From attending lectures and studying, to participating in extracurricular activities, my days are filled with opportunities for growth and development. Firstly, my daily routine starts with waking up early in the morning to get ready for the day ahead. This includes

    Размер документа: 508 Слов / 3 Страниц
    Отправлено: Ноябрь 28, 2023 Автор: romadfn
  • «Happy Life» фитнес-клубы

    «Happy Life» фитнес-клубы

    « » 2019ж №____ ЖОО студенттерін кәсіпкерлік негіздеріне оқыту туралы шарттың есеп беру талаптарына №8 Қосымша «АТАМЕКЕН» ҚАЗАҚСТАН РЕСПУБЛИКАСЫНЫҢ ҰЛТТЫҚ КӘСІПКЕРЛЕР ПАЛАТАСЫ ҚАЗАҚ ҰЛТТЫҚ ҚЫЗДАР ПЕДАГОГИКАЛЫҚ УНИВЕРСИТЕТІ БИЗНЕС-ЖОБА Тақырыбы: «Happy Life» фитнес-клубы Орындағандар: ____________________ Қабылдаған: Орынханова Ж.А. АЛМАТЫ, 2019 «Happy Life» фитнес-клубы Жобаның атауы 1. ЖОБАНЫҢ ТҮЙІНДЕМЕСІ Аты-жөні «Happy Life» фитнес-клубы Байланыс деректері Қаражаттың нысаналы мақсаты: Фитнес-клуб, тренажерлық зал ашу Валюта: теңге Жобаның жалпы сомасы, мың теңге: 550 000 теңге Соның ішінде қарыз/гранттық қаражат, мың

    Размер документа: 991 Слов / 4 Страниц
    Отправлено: Февраль 13, 2024 Автор: dilnazzyyym_2
  • My school life

    My school life

    «My school life» For me, school moments are some of the brightest moments in my life. After all, it was at school that I first started making friends. At school I was hyperactive, participated in all sorts of competitions and events. I loved being an activist and a leader. All my classmates remember me as cheerful and active. I really enjoyed spending time with my classmates . I was also a bit of a hooligan,

    Размер документа: 311 Слов / 2 Страниц
    Отправлено: Март 1, 2024 Автор:
  • Environmental Life Cycle Analysis of various Pumping Scenarios for Mine Water Management in the Abandoned Coal Mines of the German Ruhr Area

    Environmental Life Cycle Analysis of various Pumping Scenarios for Mine Water Management in the Abandoned Coal Mines of the German Ruhr Area

    CONTENTS INTRODUCTION 3 CHAPTER 1. WATER RESOURCES AND MANAGEMENT IN COAL MINES 6 1.1 Status of water resources in abandoned coal mines 6 1.2 Water management technologies in mining 10 1.3 Role of life cycle analysis in water management 13 CHAPTER 2. ANALYSIS OF WATER MANAGEMENT SCENARIOS IN ABANDONED COAL MINES 17 2.1 Identification of pumping system scenarios 17 2.2 Technical aspects of pumping system selection 24 2.3 Economic analysis of the choice of water

    Размер документа: 6,388 Слов / 26 Страниц
    Отправлено: Март 4, 2024 Автор: Дарина Кондренко
  • What makes me happy in this life

    What makes me happy in this life

    What makes me happy in this life Often every person has thought about what makes him happy at a certain period of his life. Some people think that happiness is the health of their family and friends, including me, some people think it’s a normal salary at work, and some people think it’s just their own life. A happy life is what every person in this world strives for. This is due to the fact

    Размер документа: 360 Слов / 2 Страниц
    Отправлено: Март 27, 2024 Автор: khadzhymurataida
  • Success in life

    Success in life

    Success in life is a comprehensive concept that can be seen as a result of the fullest possible self-realization of a person in various areas of Life, confirmed by the fact of social recognition. Success is a function of many variables and can be divided into two main groups. The first is formed from variables related to the field of abilities, interests, inclinations, motives, health, social ability, etc. they can be physically regulated and shaped

    Размер документа: 708 Слов / 3 Страниц
    Отправлено: Апрель 7, 2024 Автор: Дана Аскаркызы
  • My Family and My Life

    My Family and My Life

    Практическая работа № 1 Тема занятия: My Family and My Life Указания: прочитайте текст, переведите и выполните упражнения к тексту. Затем ознакомьтесь с материалом по грамматике и выполните упражнения по грамматической теме. Задание № 1 Read and translate the text My Family and My Life My name is Boris. I am 18. I study at the University and do my best to get as much knowledge as I can. My favourite subject is mathematics. In

    Размер документа: 1,169 Слов / 5 Страниц
    Отправлено: Декабрь 2, 2024 Автор: Nastya Lime

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