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Региональные инвестиции в США

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«Региональные инвестиции в США»

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Митрофанов И.Л
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Леденева Н.В



For rendering I have taken the report on Information and Analytics Linking Regional Competitiveness to Investment, made  by American scholars Professor Bo Bealuieu, and et al  in 2009.

It is called “Crossing the Next Regional Frontier” and is devoted to the economic situation analysis in Indiana, USA to make the state attractive for investments. This monograph also presents a framework for regional leaders to collaborate to achieve mutual regional development goals and tools for local civic leaders and economic development practitioners so that they can compete more effectively in a global context where knowledge and innovation are vital to competitive advantage.

It consists of 7 chapters: Introduction, The Emerging Importance of Regional Strategy, Occupation Clusters, The Innovation Index,  Investing for Competitive Regions: New Tools for the 21st Century,  Principles for Regional Governance in Economic Development  Conclusions, Lessons Learned and Future Directions and 8 appendices presenting some additional materials for chapters.    

I am  interested in investments as they are  the subject of my research so I have focused on two chapters: The Emerging Importance of Regional Strategy and Investing for Competitive Regions: New Tools for the 21st Century. It is generally recognized that investment is the act of committing money or capital to an endeavor (a business, projectreal estate, etc.) with the expectation of obtaining an additional income or profit. Investing can also include the amount of time you put into the study of a prospective company, especially since time is money. We have seven types of investment:

  1. Ownership Investments. They are what comes to mind for most people when the word "investment" is batted around and  the most volatile and profitable class of investment. For example and  you can put money into starting and running a business.
  2. Lending Investments.  Tend to be lower risk than ownership investments and return less as a result. For example, a saving account; When a person lends money to the bank, it will dole out in the form of loans.
  3. Cash Equivalents. These investments  are "as good as cash  which means they are easy to convert back into cash.
  4. Government Investment means something granted by the state. For example, in infrastructure etc.
  5. Private Investment. It is capital  invested by companies, financial organizations, or other investors, rather than by a government
  6. Foreign direct investment or FDI is an investment made by a company or individual in one country in business interests in another country, in the form of either establishing business operations or acquiring business assets in the other country, such as ownership or controlling interest in a foreign company. 
  7. Regional Investment. Regional investment is usually focused on a certain area or region especially on capital raising

 Investment is one of the aggregate expenditure and it forms investment funds coming from the public and the private sectors, which are the results of either saving or borrowing. A major portion of aggregate demand for products and services is attributed to investment. A change in investment levels affects the demand for the various factors of production. Investments also cause increases in the nation's output and promote long run economic growth.

Now let me give a brief summary of the chapter headlined  The Emerging Importance of Regional Strategy. 

Here the authors highlight the important of investments to economic development because it is necessary to build competitive regions in today’s economy. They defined 3 eras through the history of economic development depending on what strategies were used to make investment.

The first era covered the period from the Great Depression and accelerated after the World War II. They call it the Era of Industrial Recruiting. During this period, economic development strategies emphasized financial incentives to attract factories, and focused on investments in physical infrastructure to move inputs to factories and finished goods to markets.

The next era is called the Era of Cost Competition. It began in the early 1980s, emphasized industry consolidation and achieving economies of scale. During this period, multinational companies began globalizing their production operations. To compete, U.S.-based economic development organizations focused on providing more aggressive, deeper incentives. The focus in this era was more diffuse and relied on creating a business and regulatory climate that encouraged private investment by reducing costs.

And finally, they speak about the era of Regional Competitiveness, which began in the late 1990s, and emphasize identifying each region’s competitive advantages and then prioritizing public and private investments necessary to exploit those advantages. This period is seeing the blurring of lines between economic and workforce development, as innovation emerges as a key element around which economic development strategies are organizing.

According to the authors, the regional competitiveness has three important findings about how regional economies work. The first deals with clusters and their importance for regional economic growth. Clusters mean the incorporation of several businesses for being competitive. The second finding shows that although clustering is important for economic activity as it gives rise to it, some regions attract investment and some do not do it. The third shows regional character and economic growth through innovation and entrepreneurship.


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