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Laboratory work 7. Networking and telecommunications

Practical Objective:

  1. to create a simple network

Practical Hardware, Software / Tools Requirements:

  1. The required hardware for teaching this course is having a PC for each student supported with a network connection for Internet access. A data show and a PC for the course instructor are also required.
  2. Windows XP or a later version must be installed.
  3. The required lab tool is Microsoft Office 2007-2010.

Local Ethernet network - the most widely used technology of building local networks, allowing computers to interconnect in a unified data exchange system.
In this lab, we will create a simple local area network, consisting of two laptops connected to each other via the amplifier HUB.

Network Diagram is as follows:

[pic 1]

Creation of a network.

1. Take the network cable. One of its socket, connect the network card laptop so that it is firmly and completely into it went (which usually indicates a click grip). The other end of the cable just connect to one of the HUB hub ports. The ports are located on the rear panel of the hub.

2.In the same way connect the other laptop.

3.The network installed and can now be set up.

        Network configuration.

Network setup is to install the protocols that are necessary for its operation.

Remember. Protocol - a specific language, by which computers on the network are sharing data. Our network is working protocol will be TCP / IP protocol. For computers to exchange data, this protocol must be installed on all computers that are in the network.

On the laptop №2 TCP / IP protocol is already installed, we needed to install and configure the protocol Laptop №1 (cm. Network diagram). Remember that all the setting items to be performed in the order in which they appear. Do not break the sequence settings.

№1 on the laptop, follow these steps

1. Right-click on the icon "My Network Places" [pic 2] and select "Properties" item. A window with network settings.

[pic 3]

Right-click on the icon "Local Area Connection" and select "Properties" item. A window will open to the LAN settings.

[pic 4]

2. Select "Internet Protocol (TCP / IP)» and click "Properties". Window opens the TCP / IP settings.

[pic 5]

3. Now we need to set specific settings required for the protocol. Each computer on the network, these settings must be unique. Enter exactly the settings that are shown in the figure.


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