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How living in another country affect our life

Автор:   •  Сентябрь 20, 2023  •  Творческая работа  •  353 Слов (2 Страниц)  •  161 Просмотры

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Life in another country involuntarily

causes a person to think about the

cultural values of the area in which he is

located, the features of the people

inhabiting it, moral norms and everything

that distinguishes his native country from

the one where he lived before.


The main gift that an individual receives after living abroad for a long time is a deep awareness of what kind of person you are. Living in another country for a long period of time changes a person forever. Whether he wants it or not, this is a process beyond the control of the person himself. There are things that will affect you and your attitude towards people and life if you have lived in another country for a long time.

At first, you will understand a foreign language better and after a while you will already begin to think in it. But you won’t be able to express yourself so freely in your language anymore, you will need some time to formulate an idea or remember the right word. But do not be upset, upon arrival at home, you will quickly be drawn back.

A suitcase will become something more than just a bag for transporting things.

No matter how long you live in another country, you will still remember the exchange rate and constantly compare prices in stores here and at home.

Despite widespread globalization, there will always be a lot of details and nuances that will distinguish the culture of one nation from another. What is considered normal in one country is unacceptable in another. This difference will drive you crazy at first, but over time it will make you a more tolerant and tolerant person. In America, you cannot invite a person to a cafe today. In this country, people live on a schedule and get very annoyed if someone has to wait longer than five minutes. In another country, half-hour delays are normal, life here proceeds slowly. It's amazing how obsessed some people are with time, while others don't think about it at all.


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