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Description of network topology of the office building

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Description of network topology of the office building

(stage 1)

      Prepared by:Bolatbek Aruzhan

                                                                             Course:1st  course

                                                                               Specialty: Medicine

                                                                        Group:107 B

                                                                                 Submitte to:Alizakh Aidana  

Almaty, 2024

Name of the topology




Mesh topology -is a type of network architecture where each node (device) is connected to multiple other nodes, creating a web-like structure. This allows data to travel through several paths from one node to another, ensuring that the network remains operational even if one or more connections fail. Mesh topology can be fully connected (each node is connected to every other node directly) or partially connected (nodes are connected to some, but not all other nodes).

Key Characteristics of Mesh Topology:

Redundancy: If one connection fails, data can be rerouted through other nodes.

Reliability: Due to multiple pathways, the network is highly resilient to failures.

Complexity: The number of connections grows exponentially with the number of nodes, especially in full mesh configurations.

Cost: Full mesh networks are expensive to implement because of the large number of connections required.

1.High Fault Tolerance: If one connection or node fails, the network can reroute data through other available paths, ensuring minimal disruption and high reliability.

2.Scalability: New nodes can be added to the network without affecting the performance of existing nodes. The network can easily grow in size, accommodating more devices or users.

3.Improved Network Reliability: With multiple paths for data transmission, the network is highly resistant to failure, making it ideal for critical applications like military communications or emergency services.

4.Low Latency: Since there are multiple routes between nodes, data can take the shortest path, minimizing transmission delays and increasing speed.

5.Self-Organizing: Mesh networks are capable of self-healing and self-organization. If a node is added or removed, the network automatically adjusts its routes to accommodate the change.

6.No Central Point of Failure: Unlike star topology, where the failure of the central hub brings down the entire network, mesh topology distributes connections across many nodes, avoiding a single point of failure.

7.Supports High Traffic Loads: Mesh networks are ideal for high-traffic environments, as they can handle simultaneous data streams without overloading any particular node or link.

8.Flexibility in Design: Both wired and wireless mesh networks can be designed based on specific needs, whether it is a fully connected or partially connected system.

1.High Cost: Fully connected mesh networks require a significant amount of cabling or wireless links between nodes. This increases the cost of setup, especially in large networks where each node must connect to many others.

2.Complex Installation and Configuration: Setting up a mesh network, especially a fully connected one, can be challenging due to the number of connections required. Configuring the routing for dynamic and efficient data flow also requires more planning and technical expertise.

3.Difficult Maintenance and Management: As the network grows, managing it becomes more complex. Ensuring that all nodes are properly communicating, updating routing tables, and maintaining performance requires considerable effort.

4.High Computational Demands: Each node in a mesh network must store information about multiple routes to other nodes and manage data traffic accordingly. This places a significant burden on the processing power and memory of each device, especially in large networks.

5.Redundant Connections: In fully connected mesh networks, many of the links may not be used unless another path fails. This can result in underutilized resources, making the network less efficient from a cost and performance perspective.

6.Power Consumption (for Wireless Mesh Networks): Wireless mesh networks, particularly those using battery-powered devices, can drain power quickly, as nodes are responsible not only for sending and receiving their own data but also for relaying data from other nodes.

7.Limited Scalability in Fully Connected Meshes: While partially connected meshes are scalable, fully connected mesh networks become increasingly difficult to scale as each new node requires connections to every other node, exponentially increasing complexity.

1. Mesh Topology vs. Star Topology

Reliability: Mesh topology is more reliable because it has multiple paths for data transmission. In star topology, if the central hub fails, the entire network goes down.

Fault Tolerance: Mesh topology has higher fault tolerance since the failure of one node or connection doesn’t affect the entire network. Star topology is vulnerable to a single point of failure (the central hub).

Cost: Star topology is cheaper to set up, as each node only connects to the central hub, while mesh topology, especially fully connected meshes, requires more connections and infrastructure.

Scalability: Star topology is easier5 to scale because new nodes only need to connect to the central hub. In mesh topology, adding new nodes can be more complex, especially in fully connected networks.

2. Mesh Topology vs. Ring Topology

Reliability: Mesh topology offers greater reliability since it has multiple redundant paths for data transmission. In ring topology, data must pass through each node in sequence, and if one node fails, it can disrupt the entire network unless there's a secondary path (dual ring).

Data Transmission: In mesh networks, data can take the shortest available path, reducing latency. In ring topology, data travels in one direction (or both directions in a dual ring), potentially increasing transmission times.

Fault Tolerance: Mesh networks handle failures better due to multiple paths. In ring topology, failure in one node can bring down the network, although some implementations have fault-tolerant mechanisms like dual rings.

3. Mesh Topology vs. Bus Topology

Reliability: Mesh topology is far more reliable than bus topology, where a single fault in the backbone can bring the entire network down.

Cost: Bus topology is the simplest and cheapest to set up, with all devices connected to a single communication line (the bus). Mesh topology is significantly more expensive due to the number of connections required.

Scalability: Mesh topology is more scalable than bus topology because new nodes can be added without degrading performance, while in a bus topology, performance degrades as more devices are added.

Data Collisions: Bus topology can suffer from data collisions when many devices are communicating, leading to delays. Mesh topology avoids this because data can take multiple paths.

4. Mesh Topology vs. Tree Topology

Reliability: Mesh topology is more reliable, as it offers multiple paths between nodes. Tree topology, which has a hierarchical structure, is vulnerable to node failures higher in the tree, which can affect all connected nodes below.

Fault Tolerance: Mesh networks offer higher fault tolerance due to their redundant connections. In tree topology, the failure of a key node can disrupt connectivity for all its branches.

Complexity: Tree topology is easier to design and maintain in hierarchical systems like organizations, while mesh topology is more complex due to the need for multiple connections between nodes.

5. Mesh Topology vs. Hybrid Topology

Design: Hybrid topology combines elements of different topologies (like star and bus) to suit specific needs, offering flexibility. Mesh topology is a more rigid design with nodes interconnected in a web-like structure.

Scalability: Hybrid topology can offer better scalability by combining the strengths of different topologies. Mesh topology, particularly fully connected meshes, can be difficult to scale without increasing complexity.

Cost: Hybrid topologies can be cost-effective by integrating simpler topologies for different segments, while mesh topology is generally more expensive due to the numerous connections required between nodes.

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