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Command line

Автор:   •  Июнь 29, 2023  •  Лабораторная работа  •  436 Слов (2 Страниц)  •  208 Просмотры

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       Ministry of education and science of the Republic of Kazakhstan

  «Almatu University of Power Engineering and Telecommunications

                              Gumarbek Daukeev»

                non – profit joint-stock company

            Institute of Information Technologies

Departament of Information Systems and Cybersecurity


Laboratory work №1 on the topic:

«Command line»

6B06104- «Information security systems»

Performed student os the group ISS-22-2: Sarbassov Dastan

Accepted teacher: Suleimenova Madina

      _______  _____________  «____» ______2022

1.Opened the console

Open search and type cmd

[pic 1]

2. . Change colors.

    To change the color for example write “color 74”

     And to return the pervious  color we write 0F

[pic 2] 

3. Making a manipulation with changing directory and disk.

    Then type “dir” to show all objects in current directory.Then type “cdNameOFFolder”. And to go another disk.

[pic 3]

4. Command echo.

To display use the command “echo”.Write echo “hello world!”

[pic 4]

5. Clear screen.

To clear the screen we need to enter: cls

6. Changing name of window.

To change title of window you need to print: “title StudentName”

[pic 5]

7. Work with files, directories.

Create a directory with your last name on drive D, then create a directory with your name and go into it. For example:

[pic 6]

Write “hello world!” to 1.txt, for example: echo hello world!>1.txt

[pic 7]

[pic 8]

Write “hello world!” to 2.txt, for example: echo hello world!>2.txt

[pic 9]

Compare files with commands “comp” and “fc”.

[pic 10]

Copy 1.txt to file 3.txt

[pic 11]

Add to file 3.txt any word, for example “finish”. Check 1.txt and 3.txt

[pic 12]

Rename file 3.txt into 3.

[pic 13]

Look maintain of file 3.

[pic 14]

Make directory a, move into it all files with extension “txt

[pic 15]

Erase all files

[pic 16]

Go into previous level and erase file 3. Go into previous level and delete folder a. Go into previous level and delete folder with your name. Go into previous level and delete folder with your surname.

[pic 17]

8. Work with variables


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