Повышения инвестиционной привлекательности муниципального образования г. Краснодар
Автор: Heda995 • Сентябрь 14, 2018 • Курсовая работа • 5,779 Слов (24 Страниц) • 768 Просмотры
1 Теоретические основы управления инвестиционной привлекательностью территории………………………………………………………………………...7
1.1 Сущность и критерии инвестиционной привлекательности муниципального образования …………………………………………………..7
1.2 Методы формирования инвестиционной привлекательности территории……………………………………………………………………..…9
1.3 Способы оценки инвестиционной привлекательности территории..11
2 Анализ инвестиционной привлекательности муниципального образования г. Краснодар………………………………………………….………………..…13
2.1 Социально-экономическая характеристика муниципального образования г. Краснодар……………….………………………………………13
2.2 Оценка инвестиционной привлекательности муниципального образования г. Краснодар……………………………………………………….16
2.3 Анализ эффективности реализации инвестиционной политики в муниципальном образовании г. Краснодар органами власти………………...18
3 Мероприятия по повышению инвестиционной привлекательности муниципального образования г. Краснодар…………………………………....23
3.1 Рекомендации по повышению инвестиционной привлекательности муниципального образования г. Краснодар……………………………………23
3.2 Основные задачи по повышению инвестиционной привлекательности муниципального образования г. Краснодар……………..25
Список используемых источников……………………………………………..32
В социально-экономическом развитии муниципальных образований Российской Федерации важнейшую роль играют инвестиционные процессы, проходящие на их территории. В последнее время большую актуальность приобрела проблема создания эффективной системы управления инвестиционной активностью территории как важнейшей составной части действующего инвестиционного процесса. Это обусловлено тем, что тенденции 90-х годов прошлого века, связанные со спадом инвестиционной активности и углублением инвестиционного кризиса, продолжают сохраняться. Хотя необходимость активизации инвестиционного процесса постоянно декларируется в программных документах и законодательных актах, принимаемых на федеральном и региональном уровнях, существенных результатов добиться, тем не менее, не удается.
Одна из задач, стоящих перед современным обществом, заключается в создании необходимых и благоприятных условий для интенсификации экономического роста, повышения качества жизни населения. Достижение поставленной задачи возможно путем привлечения инвестиций в реальный сектор экономики. Объем и темп роста инвестиций в основной капитал являются индикаторами инвестиционной привлекательности территории. Повышение инвестиционной привлекательности способствует дополнительному притоку капитала, экономическому подъему.
Целью курсовой работы является разработать рекомендации по повышению инвестиционной привлекательности муниципального образования г. Краснодар.
Для достижения поставленной цели необходимо решить следующие
-определить сущность и критерии инвестиционной привлекательности муниципального образования;
-проанализировать и оценить инвестиционной привлекательности муниципального образования г. Краснодар;
-разработать план мероприятий по повышению инвестиционной привлекательности муниципального образования г. Краснодар.
Исходя из тематики, объектом данной работы - город Краснодар.
Предметом исследования является инвестиционная привлекательность.
Мероприятиям по повышению инвестиционной привлекательности муниципального образования посвящены труды: Т.С. Колмыкова, Скопина И.В., Степанов А.
Курсовая работа состоит из введения, трех разделов, которые, в свою очередь, делятся на подразделы, заключения и списка используемых источников.
- Теоретические основы управления инвестиционной привлекательностью территории
- Сущность и критерии инвестиционной привлекательности муниципального образования
- The investment potential of the territory is characterized by a set of objective prerequisites for investment, which can be measured and expressed in the form of quantitative indicators. The following factors are recognized as the most significant for the assessment of the investment potential of the territory:
- - resource and raw material potential, that is, the average provision of balance reserves of the main types of natural resources: mineral, land, water, forest raw materials, recreation;
- - production potential-an indicator that takes into account the level and structure of the gross product of the territory, the share of unprofitable enterprises,
- - consumption potential - expresses aggregate buying power. the ability of the population of the region and is measured by monetary income per capita
- - infrastructure potential-reflects the economic and geographical position of the region and its infrastructure;
- - intellectual potential, which reflects the educational level of the population through indicators of the share of specialists with higher and secondary education per 10 thousand people, the number of higher education institutions, the number of faculty members of the number of students in graduate schools and doctoral;
- - institutional capacity-reflects the degree of development of the leading institutions of the market economy and is expressed in terms of the number of credit institutions, their total authorized capital, the size of the shares of public, private and mixed enterprises;
- - innovative potential-expressed in terms of the number of academic research institutions, the number of developed and implemented innovative projects.
- Reflects the level of implementation of scientific and technological progress in the region;
- - labor potential-is expressed in terms of the number of able-bodied population, the number of economically active population, the unemployment rate, the natural increase per 1000 inhabitants, the average life expectancy, the level of migration;
- - the financial potential of the territory is characterized by the profitability of enterprises, the volume of the tax base, the profitability of the budget of the territory. Currently, there are several approaches to determining the investment attractiveness of the territory:
- - comparison of the real values and regulatory capital;
- - calculation of a simple index of investment attractiveness in relation to real and normative investments;
- - calculation of the extended investment attractiveness index, which is defined as the average geometric indices of investment attractiveness and investment volume [8].
- In our country and abroad, many organizations are engaged in the calculation of the investment attractiveness of certain countries and regions. The distribution of regions by the integral rating of investment attractiveness provided by these organizations gives the investor food for preliminary thinking when choosing a region to increase their capital. At the same time, the most attractive are regions and territories with high investment potential and low risk factor.
- These areas are characterized by accumulated in the process of long-term economic activity infrastructure development of the territory, high innovative and intellectual potential of the population, a relatively high diversification of economic sectors, authoritative power. Areas with low potential and high risk are unattractive in terms of investment. But they, despite the fact that they can not claim a high place in the integrated rating, can count on the interest of investors focused on investment in a narrow sphere, for example, in the already existing mining industry or, who came to a high-risk territory, for the sake of obtaining super profits [9].
- 1.2 Methods of formation of investment attractiveness of the territory
- The role of regions in boosting investment is being enhanced in several ways. The main areas are the following:
- - development of regional investment legislation: Tatarstan and Komi, Yaroslavl region stand out in this respect;
- - support of investments by local authorities through the provision of benefits;
- - formation of investment openness and attractiveness of the regions, their investment image, including through cultural catalogues of enterprises, investment projects, etc.;
- - active activities to attract foreign investment. It is characteristic that with even a small attractiveness of the country as a whole for foreign investors, there are regions in which this attractiveness is comparable with the countries of Europe. This can be attributed to the leaders in this regard, Nizhny Novgorod and Nizhny Novgorod region, Orenburg region, the Republic of Komi. The work on attracting foreign investments in the Novgorod region is actively and effectively carried out. The following regions are The Central black earth region and the Volga region, where state support can be in the short term to increase the investment attractiveness for foreign capital;
- - formation of investment infrastructure [7].
- Russian regions are highly differentiated in terms of investment risk and investment potential. Let us highlight the characteristic types of regions.
- The investment potential is moderate, but the risk is minimal. This is typical for the Belgorod region and Tatarstan. These are structurally balanced regions. In this group were both Russian capitals-they promise investors huge opportunities with minimal risk. Moscow and St. Petersburg have come off very much from other regions, both in most types of risk, and almost all types of potential (except for the resource and raw materials).
- A moderate level of investment risk and potential below average. This type includes almost half of the subjects of the Federation: Vladimir, Ivanovo, Tula region, Nenets and Komi-Permyak JSC, Kabardino-Balkar Republic, regions of the North-West [1].
- Regions with high investment risk and significant potential: Krasnoyarsk region, Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous district. They have high levels of risk for all components without exception [10].
- Regions with high investment potential and minimal risk. The regions belonging to this type are represented mainly by industrially developed territories (Nizhny Novgorod, Perm, Samara, Irkutsk regions, etc.), as well as the largest industrial and agricultural (Krasnodar, Volgograd, Saratov, Rostov regions).
- Very high risk with low potential. The unfavorable ethno-political situation in Chechnya, Dagestan and Ingushetia makes these areas so far unattractive for investors.
- Thus, the issue of investment and the investment climate in Russia has now come to the fore. The future of the Russian economy depends on it, perhaps, more than on all other factors.
- 1.3 Methods for assessing the investment attractiveness of the territory
- The analysis of investment attractiveness of the region and the analysis of investment attractiveness of the economic sector are inextricably linked: investment attractiveness of the territory can be provided only by investment attractiveness of the economic sectors located in this territory; on the other hand, the investment attractiveness of the industries is the investment climate of the territory.
- The algorithm of analysis of investment attractiveness of the industry includes two stages: assessment of the level of competition intensity and assessment of its development stage. A key role in the analysis of the investment attractiveness of the industry is given to the study of competition, the definition of its sources and the assessment of competitive forces. According to this model, the level of competition intensity in the industry is influenced by such factors (driving forces of competition) as the threat of new producers entering the industry, intra-industry competition, pressure on the manufacturer from buyers, pressure on the manufacturer from suppliers of raw materials, the threat from substitute products, the macro environment and government policy.
- The next stage of the analysis of the investment attractiveness of the industry is to determine the stage of its development. The main criteria are indicators of growth, industry potential and the evolution of products and technology. Finally, on the basis of comparison of the results obtained at the first and second stages of the analysis, the level of investment attractiveness of the industry is estimated [5].
- If the averaging is acceptable for macro-analysis of investment attractiveness of territories, then from the point of view of investment decisions on a particular project it is necessary to take into account the "microclimate", which plays a significant role.
- Sources of information for the evaluation are:
- - annual statistical reports developed by the state statistical Committee of Russia in accordance with the Federal program of statistical work;
- - materials received from the subjects of the Russian Federation in the course of monitoring and development of forecasts of socio-economic development of the regions.
- The following indicators are used in the assessment:
- - gross regional product per capita (thousand rubles));
- - the volume of investment in fixed capital per capita (thousand rubles.);
- Per capita foreign trade turnover (us$) USA);
- - financial security of the region (thousand rubles.);
- - employment in small enterprises in the total number of employed in the economy (% of the total number of employed in the economy);
- - registered unemployment rate (% of economically active population);
- - ratio of average per capita income to average per capita subsistence level;
- - share of population with incomes below the subsistence minimum (%);
- - the total volume of retail trade and paid services per capita (thousand rubles).);
- - fixed assets of sectors of the economy per capita (thousand rubles.);
- - the ratio of the density of highways (cal. Engel.);Анализ инвестиционной привлекательности муниципального образования г. Краснодар
2.1 Социально-экономическая характеристика муниципального образования г. Краснодар