Терроризм как международная проблема
Автор: janealexan • Апрель 12, 2020 • Реферат • 3,377 Слов (14 Страниц) • 445 Просмотры
Федеральное государственное казенное образовательное учреждение
Высшего образования «Санкт-Петербургский университет
Министерства внутренних дел Российской Федерации»
Кафедра иностранных языков
Английский язык
Терроризм как международная проблема
курсант 211 учебного взвода
рядовой полиции
Кузнецова Евгения Александровна
Научный руководитель:
Иващенко Надежда Павловна
Introduction 3
1. Terrorism is a global problem of our time 5
1.1. The concept and signs of terrorism as a phenomenon of modern reality 5
1.2. Causes and conditions conducive to the commission of acts of terrorism 9
2. The fight against international terrorism 12
Conclusion 15
Sources and references 16
Terrorism in all its forms and manifestations and in its scale and intensity, in its inhumanity and cruelty is one of the most dangerous crimes against public safety and public order. Terrorism has become one of the most acute and topical problems of global significance, and the forecasts of scientists and practitioners regarding the further development of terrorist activity do not seem the most comforting.
The manifestation of terrorism entails massive human sacrifice, destroyed spiritual, material, cultural values that cannot be recreated for centuries. It breeds hatred and distrust between social and national groups. Acts of terrorism have led to the need to create an international system to combat it. For many people, groups, organizations, terrorism has become a way to solve problems: political, religious, national. Terrorism refers to those forms of criminal violence, the victims of which can be innocent people, anyone who has nothing to do with the conflict.
A lot of research has been devoted to this problem by both domestic and foreign authors, especially their number has increased in recent years.
Thus, the main task of this work is to study this type of socially dangerous act as terrorism.
The relevance of this topic is due to the fact that over the past few years, the number of this type of crime has increased dramatically. Terrorism is a particularly dangerous act, since the perpetrator attacks, among other things, public order and public security. That is, this type of crime does not affect one person or group of people, but the whole society as a whole.
The purpose of this work is to generalize conclusions on the problem of terrorism, as well as to identify ways to distinguish terrorism from related compounds, which have been confirmed in judicial practice and domestic legislation, in their analysis.
The object of research is terrorism as such, its modern varieties and the goals it pursues.
The subject of the study is: the activities of international terrorist organizations, the impact of international terrorism on the policy of leading countries of the world, as well as measures aimed at combating this phenomenon in the first years of the XXI century.
1. Terrorism is a global problem of our time
1.1. The concept and signs of terrorism as a phenomenon of modern reality
The specificity and level of modern civilization is characterized by the existence of acute global problems that affect the fate not only of individuals, social groups, Nations, classes, regions and continents, but of humanity as a whole. The rather bleak background of the modern period is aggravated by the presence of a very acute problem that contains all the ingredients and criteria of danger the problem of terrorism.
The identification of the historical origins of terrorism, its essential characteristics, its socially destructive nature, development trends, and the development of prevention measures has long been nothing new for the world community. However, for our society and state, these issues have been fully raised only in recent years, when fundamental changes have taken place in political, economic and social relations.
The analysis of statistical data shows a growing trend in the number of manifestations of various types and forms of terror throughout the world. Already in the 60s and 80s, terrorism began to take on a wide scale in different countries of the world. According to the international security review, 5,534 terrorist acts were registered between 1970 and 1978. In 1981, according to the American Journal of education, there were 2,700 terrorist acts committed by 125 terrorist groups operating in various parts of the world, but mostly in 50 countries. Data for 1985 they show an increase of 15% in such acts compared to 1981. The magazine classifies as terrorist acts of violence, extortion, blackmail, etc.acts with a foreign element that are directed against the property and interests of citizens. If since the beginning of the 80's the number of terrorist acts per year averaged 500, then, according to the same magazine, in 1984 this number increased to 700, in 1985 to 800 (an increase of 80%).
The American annual review on terrorism notes that this trend has continued to develop with slight fluctuations. In 1987, 832 terrorist attacks were committed, in 1989 - 856, etc. The number of cases of terrorism increases especially after the collapse of the USSR and the socialist camp. In 1995-1997, terrorist acts became more violent and were more often directed against the civilian population. The organization, armament, and cohesion of criminal groups and the interconnection of terrorist organizations have increased.