Колосс Родосский
Автор: Alinochka57 • Январь 21, 2022 • Реферат • 814 Слов (4 Страниц) • 226 Просмотры
Рыльский авиационный технический колледж гражданской авиации филиал Московского государственного технического университета гражданской авиации (МГТУ ГА)
Сообщение по дисциплине «Английский язык»
на тему:
«Колосс Родосский»
Подготовил: курсант группы Э211
Мантулин Н.Н.
Проверил: преподаватель английского языка
Морозова Е.А.
Рыльск, 2022
One of the most beautiful ancient legends about the island of Rhodes says that after the battle with the Titans, Zeus decided to divide the world between the Gods. However, at this moment the sun god Helios was absent, as he illuminated the Earth, and did not receive any possession. Helios lived on the eastern coast of the Aegean Sea and every day, from the very morning, he set off to the west on his golden chariot, which was harnessed by four winged horses, and in the evening, in a golden boat, returned to the east. Realizing the injustice of what he had done, Zeus promised Helios any first land that rose from the bottom of the ocean, whatever it was. And while Zeus uttered these words, an island of amazing beauty began to rise from the bottom of the sea. Helios, full of joy, made it the most beautiful and sunniest island in the Mediterranean and named it Rhodes in honor of his beloved wife Rhoda. Many images of the God Helios have been found on Rhodes. Focusing precisely on these sculptures and images, one can imagine exactly how the Colossus of Rhodes looked like. The god Helios was portrayed as a beautiful young man, around whose head, outgoing metal rays were located in a halo, like rays of sunlight. Ancient sources report that during the construction of the Colossus, a metal frame was used, weighted with stones filled with clay. Based on this method of construction and the typical statues depicting Helios, one can guess exactly how the Colossus looked. Usually, in the images, Helios waves with one hand, and the other holds the edge of his clothes, descending along the body to the ground. But in order to make an outstretched hand using the technology used, it would be necessary to make a separate support for it, and this would look strange and not beautiful.
The history of the grandiose sights of Greece
The gigantic statue of Helios, the god of the Sun, was born at the end of the war, Fr. Rhodes with the conquerors. The colossus symbolized the independence of the Rhodians. Why did they decide to immortalize this particular god? According to legend, Helios worked all day, illuminating the sky for people, and could not be present at the division of land between the gods. Then he dived to the bottom of the sea and carried a piece of land in his arms. He named Rhodes Helios in honor of his beloved wife Rhoda.