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Тема: Skepticism

Имя: Ирбатыров Бахтияр

Специальность: Международная и сравнительная политология

Проверила:  Асылбекова Жамиля Малик-Айдаровна


  Skepticism is understood by many as blind denial, disbelief and ignorance. In fact, the essence of skepticism lies in knowledge, not in denial.

 Pyrrho of Elis was the first skeptic (c. 360 - 270 BC). The writings of Sextus Empiricus are responsible for transmitting the skeptics' thought to us. His writings help us understand the viewpoints of skeptics like Pyrrho, Timon, Carneades, Clytomachus, and Aenesidemus. A philosopher is a person who seeks happiness, in accordance with Pyrrho's teachings. According to him, it consists merely of an unflappable serenity coupled with the lack of suffering. Pyrrhon thought that, just as it was impossible to claim that anything is certain, there could be no response to the first question. Additionally, each claim on any topic might have a claim that is in direct opposition to it. Sextus Empiricus claims and explains that while skeptics are just as busy and dedicated as dogmatists (academics) in their pursuit of the truth, they use a different approach. He is the one who separates skepticism from all other methods of finding the truth.

 A skeptic never asserts anything for sure. The philosophy of skepticism consists in tolerance of various hypotheses and theories, since it is not possible to refute or prove them. The attitude of skepticism towards religion is rather neutral. Skeptics cannot unequivocally prove or disprove the existence of God or other beings. Doubt is a skeptic's weapon against dogmatism. The contradiction of skepticism lies in the statement of skeptics that what is not proven cannot be true. In our world, not all phenomena are given a scientific justification, besides, a skeptic does not doubt obvious things, even if it cannot be proved scientifically.

 In conclusion, doubt about something is a natural manifestation of consciousness in the head of a person with a developed intellect. Skepticism as a branch of philosophy has many followers even now.

                                                                                    Алматы, 2022


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