Legumes - Fabaceae
Автор: Eugenev9 • Апрель 25, 2023 • Реферат • 639 Слов (3 Страниц) • 122 Просмотры
Legumes - Fabaceae
Genus 1. Brunets - Goebelia Bge. (Sophora L.)
- Inflorescence dense, dense; flowers 17-20 mm long; pointed boat; beans 5-12 cm long, clearly constricted; seeds yellow, 4-5 mm long. Mnl. 40-100 cm high; col. V-VI, pl. VI-VIII. Along river valleys, solonetsous meadows, in crops and fallows,
often thickets in flat and piedmont Kazakhstan. Sorn., insect., lek. 1. B. foxtail (kaz. Akmiya) - G. Alopecuroides (L.) Bge
Genus 10. Alfalfa - Medicago L.
- Stems recumbent or ascending, rarely straight, glabrous or slightly pubescent; beans sickle-shaped, less often straight, naked or hairy; leaflets from above are usually naked, wide, back-
ovate or oblong-obovate to wedge-shaped, less often narrowly linear, but then sickle-shaped beans. Mnl. 20-150 cm high; col. V-VIII. On meadows, stony and grassy slopes, forest edges, pebbles of almost all of Kazakhstan. Food, vit., honey. 1. L. sickle-shaped (yellow; Kaz. Serbas zhonshka) - M. falcate L.
- Stems straight, pubescent;
beans only straight, hairy; leaflets hairy above, narrow, linear or linear-wedge-shaped. Mnl. 30-100 cm high; col. VI-VIII. In the steppes, on stony sandy and fine-earth slopes, forest edges, in the bushes of the plain steppe Kazakhstan and in the mountains of the Dzungarian and Zailiysky Alatau. Food, honey 2. L. Romanian (steppe) - M.
romanica Prod.
- Inflorescences 10-30 flowered; flowers are small, 1.5-2 mm long; beans kidney-shaped, small, about 2 mm long., 1-seed. One, less often many. 10-60 cm high; col. IV-VIII. In meadows, along river banks, in bushes, on forest edges, along roads and in fields throughout Kazakhstan, excluding high mountains. 12. L. hop-like - M. lupulina L.
Genus 11. Donnik-
Melilotus Adans.
- Flowers 5-7 mm long; ovary with (4)5-8 ovules; beans are transversely wrinkled. Dvl. 30-100 cm high; col. VI-VII. On steppe, sometimes alkaline meadows, in floodplains, on fallow lands and in crops throughout Kazakhstan, with the exception of southern deserts and highlands. 4. E. Medicinal - M. officinalis (L.) Desr.
The leaflets of the lower leaves along the edge (on one side) are 8-12-toothed; pedicels 1-1.5 mm long; calyx about 2 mm long., incised halfway into pointed teeth; beans 3-3.5 mm long. Dvl. or onel. 50-150 cm high; col. V-VIII. On steppe meadows, in floodplains, tugai, sands, less often on solonetzes and solonchaks, in crops and on deposits of all Kazakhstan,
except for the highlands. 5. D. white + M. Albus Desr.