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HIV infection

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Topic: HIV infection


1. Introduction

 2. Ethnology and source of infection

 3. Incubation period and clinical indicators

 4. Transmission mechanism and preventive measures

5. Epidemiological feature

 6. Work of AIDS centers directions

 7. References

                                                            HIV infection

HIV Human immunodeficiency virus, 80s of XX century popular from the beginning. HIV aFF when born, it destroys the immune system that protects us from diseases and infections. Over time, a person infected with HIV becomes sick more often. A diagnosis of AIDS (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome) may take several years immediately after infection. AIDS is a disease caused by a violation of the human immune system. As a result of immune deficiency, one or more dangerous diseases may develop (pneumonia, tuberculosis, cancer, etc.), the human body cannot fight these diseases. HIV is an epidemic that is the main cause of AIDS. From 1981 to 1984, several works were published on the development of the spread of AIDS through sexual intercourse and the risk of drug addiction. The cause of human immunodeficiency was identified in 1983 by two separate laboratories: - at the Pasteur Institute in France under the leadership of Luc Montagnier, and at the US National Laboratory under the leadership of Robert Gallo at the Cancer Institute.


Provocation - in 1984-85 defined. It is a virus that belongs to the group of retroviruses and contains RNA and reverse transcriptase. Currently, 2 types of HIV virus are known, some of their antigens have features: HIV-1 and HIV-2, the war is more common in West Africa. The virus genome is found in two forms: RNA and DNA. The virus is unstable in the external environment. When heated at 560 C, 30 sieves, and 1-5 sieves when boiled, are quickly filtered due to the effect of disinfectants (3SO hydrogen peroxide, 5SO Lysol, 0.6CO Na hydrochloride). Persistent in ultraviolet light. Infectious person infected with a virus (retrovirus) during infection are virus carriers who are infected with AIDS. is when people become infected. Since no symptoms of the disease are observed, the virus carriers are especially dangerous. Virus talk melsher can be found in blood, semen, cream, and breast milk. At any age, it can be present in very small amounts in cerebrospinal fluid and saliva.

Incubation period

Incubation period - Zapta - from 2 months to 3-5 years or more. Antibodies to HIV viruses appear 2-3 weeks after infection. HIV infection goes through 4 stages: incubation period without symptoms; II. a) appearance of initial symptoms; b) occurrence of secondary infection, lack of immunity; T. occurrence of secondary infections; IV. AIDS-terminal phase: cachexia, damage to the central nervous system, pneumonia, onco AIDS. Clinical indicators The following diseases and symptoms are identified People can be sued:

 1. Viral hepatitis B, C

2. Cancerous tumors

 3. Encephalopathy of unknown etiology

 4. Anemia of unknown etiology

 5. Diarrhea lasting more than 1 month

 6. Seborrheic dermatitis

 7. Cheilitis

 8. Pneumocystis pneumonia

In children, there are several stages according to clinical symptoms (leading syndrome). There may be signs of transplacental transmission in the fetus: lack of body weight, premature birth, microcephaly, dyscrania. Clinical signs of congenital HIV infection: premature birth, dystrophy, facial dysmorphism (hypertailorism, hydrocephalus, protrusion of the nasal bridge, bulging of the cleft lip), as well as retardation of psychomotor development, recurrent diarrhea, tetanus of any kind, results of serological research and retardation of psychomotor development, recurrent diarrhea, periodical dysentery, ten years of serological examination. After 6 months, the onset of neurological symptoms was observed - mental retardation, changes in behavior, emergence of pathological reflexes, paresis were detected. These cells are found in 10-30% of HIV-infected patients. In children with HIV infection: severe neurological disorders are detected. Basal in computer tomogram calcifications in ganglia and brain atrophy is determined. From the last months, white B- lack of cellular immunity observed. As a result of neurolial cell damage, progressive encephalopathy is observed very often in children (in more than 50% of cases). Peripheral nervous systems can also be affected - polyradiculoneuritis. Among the diseases associated with AIDS - lymphocytic interstitial pneumonia, organs cytomegalovirus infection, except for the liver, liver and lymph nodes. the skin and internal organs, brain toxoplasmosis. Transmission mechanism and routes of administration The main transmission mechanism is contact and parenteral.

Ways of transmission.

 According to medical evidence, the main ways of acquiring AIDS today are as follows: sexual intercourse; direct transmission of the virus (when performing intravenous injections, etc.) from the mother to the fetus. The genital tract is the main route of ingestion. In 80% of cases, AIDS is transmitted to people in this way, that is, during heterosexual (male-female) or homosexual (male-male) sexual intercourse. The most dangerous is homosexual anal intercourse, because the skin and mucous membrane of the genitals of the partners are often injured. 70% of people diagnosed with AIDS in the United States contracted the disease in this way. The rate of infection is the same in active and passive homosexuals. Caterly topka also includes prostitutes. Frequent change of partners also increases the possibility of contracting AIDS. Meeting with people who have or have had a sexually transmitted infection, having sexual intercourse during menstruation, getting close to a partner with sadistic habits increases the risk of contracting AIDS. The transmission of the AIDS virus by direct contact with the blood is a particular concern nowadays. This is because the number of drug addicts who use common needle syringes when injecting drugs into veins is increasing. Of course, they do not process the needles they use. If a person with AIDS or a carrier of the virus joins a group of drug addicts, the virus can be transferred to a healthy person with the remnants of his blood from the needle. enters the body.


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