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Biogas energy

Автор:   •  Апрель 13, 2021  •  Реферат  •  798 Слов (4 Страниц)  •  316 Просмотры

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Department: Heat and Power Engineering and Technical Physics

name of the department

Specialty: 5b071700 – «Heat and Power Engineering»

                                        code, specialty name

Independent work of students

Type of work

Topic of the work: Biogas energy

Performed By: Akishov Z.

Group: Te-801

Checked By: Kasymov A.B





1 What is biogas

2 Technology of biogas production

3 Advantages and disadvantages of biogas

3.1 Advantages

3.2 Disadvantages

4 The use of biogas in our days


List of literature

2 Technology of biogas production

Biogas technologies are based on
complex natural processes of biological decomposition of organic substances in anaerobic (without air access) conditions under the influence of a special group of anaerobic bacteria. These processes are accompanied by the mineralization of nitrogen-containing, phosphorus-containing and potassium-containing organic compounds to produce the mineral forms of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium that are most accessible to plants, with the complete destruction of pathogenic (pathogenic) microflora, helminth eggs, weed seeds, specific fecal odors, nitrates and nitrites. The process of formation of biogas and fertilizers is carried out in special bioreactors-methane tanks.

One microbiological method of neutralization of manure, and any other organic residues, has been known for a long time – this is composting. The waste is put in piles, where it gradually decomposes under the influence of aerobic microorganisms. At the same time, the pile is heated to about 60°C and natural pasteurization occurs – most pathogenic microbes and helminth eggs die, and weed seeds lose their germination.

But the quality of the fertilizer suffers at the same time: up to 40% of the nitrogen contained in it and a lot of phosphorus is lost. Energy is also lost, because the heat released from the interior of the pile is wasted-and the manure, by the way, contains almost half of all the energy that goes to the farm with feed. Waste from pig farms for composting is simply not suitable: they are too liquid. But another way of processing organic matter is also possible – fermentation without air access, or anaerobic fermentation. This is the process that takes place in a natural biological reactor, enclosed in the belly of every cow that grazes in the meadow. There's a whole community of microbes living in the cow's pre-ventricle. Some break down fiber and other complex organic compounds rich in energy, and produce low-molecular-weight substances from them, which are easily absorbed by the cow's body. These compounds serve as a substrate for other microbes, which turn them into gases-carbon dioxide and methane. One cow produces up to 500 liters of methane per day; of the total methane production on Earth, almost a quarter-100-200 million tons per year! - has such an "animal" origin.

2 Биогаз алу технологиясы

Биогаз технологиясы анаэробты бактериялардың арнайы тобының әсерінен анаэробты (ауаға қол жеткізбестен) Органикалық заттардың биологиялық ыдырауының күрделі табиғи процестеріне негізделген. Бұл процестер өсімдіктер үшін ең қол жетімді азот, фосфор және калийдің минералды формаларын алу үшін азот, фосфор және калий бар органикалық қосылыстардың минералдануымен, патогендік (патогендік) микрофлораның, гельминт жұмыртқаларының, арамшөптердің тұқымдарының, фекальды иістердің, нитраттардың және нитриттердің толық жойылуымен бірге жүреді. Биогаз бен тыңайтқыштардың түзілу процесі арнайы биореакторларда-метантенктерде жүзеге асырылады.


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