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The role of English in my profession

Автор:   •  Апрель 27, 2023  •  Сочинение  •  303 Слов (2 Страниц)  •  162 Просмотры

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The role of English in my profession

English plays a huge role in all spheres of human life, sciences, including hydrogeology. A specialist in his profession will be more competitive if he has knowledge of foreign languages.

The English language occupies a huge place in the science of hydrogeology, because most of the terms in hydrogeology are borrowed. There are a lot of Anglicisms in my profession, for example, pycnometer is a graduated vessel in the form of a flask, also written in Russian.In my opinion, this is very convenient because at any conference or meeting hydrogeologists from different countries will be able to understand each other without an interpreter.

In another case, the Russian literature does not fully delve into the terms of hydrogeology, and in most cases the information said in the scientific literature is quite outdated and does not give a complete picture for the study of hydrogeology. And in order to expand the criteria and aspects of this science, we read and study foreign literature. Mastering English literature, people practice the language and, as a result, gain experience at international conferences, which allows them to draw a certain conclusion and further conduct research in hydrogeology.  

In conclusion, we can say that many people learn English in order to become competitive in the labor market to get a promotion in their current position or to change jobs altogether. Today, the younger generation is striving to improve the language for a better position in the future with the cooperation of international companies and further relocation. So, we can talk endlessly about the role of the English language in the world. There is no doubt that the English language is an important component in the life of a modern person, and everyone will be able to find more than one reason for studying it.


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